The Immersion Update

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/30445865/966256ffb620891cf36cc9f4c6fa6ab39da6f60e.png[/img] [h1]The Immersion Update Release[/h1] BP has been in development for almost a decade (imagine). Sometimes it’s important to take a step back and see where the game could be elevated to modern standards. And immersion is one aspect I want to pay attention to over the next few updates. First steps are better damage and camera animations. So, let’s get into the nitty gritty of The Immersion Update 1.41. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/30445865/40528d52621fdba7ba67b4be6916fd22ad25adf3.png[/img] [h2]Vehicle Deformation[/h2] Vertex damage is now a part of all vehicle damage models. It’s a simple and effective trick all the way from GTA4 (or Mafia if you remember). This allows full deformation of vehicles including boats and aircraft depending on damage levels. It’s fully compatible with published mods too. The first implementation is a rather simple effect but will likely be updated and improved over time, so feedback is welcome. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/30445865/ecdce0180e7aa33b40727f627db57a74bf4d7476.png[/img] [h2]Camera Animations[/h2] Until now, players seemed to glide over surfaces as if skating on ice. Camera animations now add an extra bit of dimension to player movement. Bobbing and rolling in reaction to movement adds some immersion. And camera offsets during reloading does make it feel more gripping. More camera effects to come so keep an eye on this. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/30445865/824fd5b8682417a438691deefea10feed0a5414e.png[/img] [h2]Muzzle Flashes[/h2] The first-person perspective always had issues with effects and animations due to the layered camera implementation in BP. This has been improved with effects now better synced even when aiming down sights. Just want to give a heads up for future work in this area including better camera shake, recoil, and realistic holo sight/scope shaders. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/30445865/1763b41e2eb4de3b11a89e6eff1c84c1ba3a73c1.png[/img] [h2]Hit Effects[/h2] Hit effects are no longer obnoxious and repetitive. There’s a few different audio and particle effects that now have better volume leveling. The hit effects finally take the hit surface into account. More surface tags are planned for custom effects on wood, glass, etc. Laters Ricochet.wav, you won’t be missed. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/30445865/28f739137aa6e58427efb37bafcc5fc57123ed6e.png[/img] [h2]Post Processing[/h2] 1.41 finally fixes the broken post-processing effects from the last update. This means mods like BP Graphics Client are fully functional again (link on Discord). Other parameters for lighting and shadows have been improved with community feedback. More to come on visuals as well so look out for upcoming updates. Finally, Modders please check the API additions below for some useful functionality especially relating to custom UIs. Here’s the full UI Update changelog: [h2]v1.41 Immersion Update Changelog[/h2] [h3]Game Changes:[/h3] [list] [*] New vehicle vertex damage / deformation [*] Added head bobbing and other camera animations [*] Fixed broken Post-Processing effects [*] Improved some light/shadow settings (Thanks TheUnishark) [*] New Indonesian Language support (Thanks SARA) [*] Fixed World Builder snapping increment broken in some cultures [*] World Builder Inventory selection improved [*] Fixed bullet spam exploits (Thanks unitazer) [*] Added ramp colliders on some stairs [*] Reduced server load on player connection [*] Some Standard Assets moved to BPResources Export [*] More safety checks on BPA asset building and loading [*] Can now selectively build BPA’s with right click [*] Fixed vehicles respawning in strange positions when they shouldn’t [*] Replaced Unity package with official Newtonsoft Json.Net plugin [*] Fixed some bad environment tiling at odd render distances [*] Disabled random spawns for most Default interiors [*] Fixed some bad light/flare rendering in First-person [*] Fixed hit reg being delayed by a frame [*] Added velocity requirement before deploying parachutes [*] Fixed and simplified some incremental reload logic [*] New permission for camera switching controls [*] Input menu minor layout change [*] Fix errors when setting Animator parameters without SyncAnimator [*] New hit effects/audio depending on surface hit [*] Fixed action menu sometimes breaking/disappearing [*] Unity Engine upgrade to latest [/list] [h3]API Changes[/h3] [list] [*] VisualElement API functions accept complex paths for element lookups now [*] “parent/descendant..” for descendants [*] “parent>child..” for immediate children [*] “.class” selectors supported now [*] Can combine descendant/child/name/class lookups in a path [*] Remove any previous Newtonsoft Json Unity Package (new BPResources has one) [*] Remove old AssetBundleBrowser directory (new BPResources has V3) [*] Moved some DamageSource / DamageSourceMap types to GameSource [*] ShGun.reloading now public [*] Added ShPlayer.OnFoot property (true for InWater too [*] [/list] [url=]API Changes[/url] See you! -Benz [url=]Official Discord[/url]