1.39a Minor Update

[h1]1.39a[/h1] [h2]Game Changes:[/h2] [list] [*]* Fix sliding Player physics at high FPS [*]* Fix some apartment/furniture offset desync [*]* Firing weapon now cancels sprint [*]* Disable sprint lock when flying [*]* Added World Builder Toggle to show all interiors/places [*]* Fixed App Contacts/Blocked/Radio menu button issues [*]* Fixed long Phone messages being cut off [*]* Fixed Apartment hacking menu [*]* Fixed broken apartment passcodes [*]* Fixed Server Favorites/History display errors [*]* Fixed slow mouse scrolling [*]* Fix mobile icons invisible during spectating [*]* Fixed Human sleep animation offset [*]* UI layering fixes [*]* Added jail count check to prevent exceptions [*]* Fixed some ragdoll / recovery animation bugs [*]* Fix nav generation on flat maps [*]* Update Pathfinding library [*]* Update to latest Unity Beta [/list] [h2]API Changes:[/h2] [list] [*]* VisualTreeAssetClone method now takes an additional parameter (Thanks TheUnishark) [*]* `newVisualElementName` renames the root of the clone (for specific element lookups) [/list]