Important Hotfix for Servers

[h1]1.39a Hotfix 2[/h1] [h2]Game Changes:[/h2] [list] [*]* Fix for apartment entities despawning and crashing server (Thanks PLASMA) [*]* Extra physics safety checks and server crash fix (Thanks Firisfiti) [*]* Fixed Apartments MainDoor selection criteria [*]* Destroy apartments in reverse order for better logging [*]* Fixed unable to escape restraints [*]* Fixed unable to place objects in blank World Builder [*]* World Builder supports up to 999 interiors now [*]* Cloned VisualTreeAssets now do proper flexbox stacking [*]* Disable server audio on launch (Thanks TheUnishark) [*]* Fixed a clientside exception with destructibles on join [*]* Updated to latest Burst package [*]* Minor cleanup and extra logging [*] [/list]