An auto-RPG with strategic combat, deep crafting and programming elements, animated entirely in ASCII-art. In a realm of perpetual darkness, a single stone could change everything...
[h2]Stone Story RPG's Hamartia Event Returns[/h2]
An odd wind blows once again-- [b]Stone Story RPG’s Hamartia Event will be returning on June 6![/b]
For the Hamartia Challenge, the game’s bosses will gain new resistances (while some will gain new weaknesses). Use the Sight Stone to aid you, but don’t get too comfortable: [b]every day at noon (local time) these attributes change. [/b]
Play the limited-time event from **June 6 to June 16* and overcome the vile beasts lurking in the dark.
*“Hamartia” is a repeatable event and will return on a seasonal basis.*