The Disguise System

Dustgrave: A Sandbox RPG

Embark on an epic journey, enjoying complete freedom in a dynamic sandbox RPG. The world and its inhabitants will witness your deeds and react accordingly, adapting the narrative to your choices and delivering a truly unique and free experience.

We’ve been working hard this summer, and Dustgrave now includes several new features that will be playable in the next demo release! One of those features, is the [b]Disguise System[/b], allowing your main character to use any faction’s armors and clothes to disguise as a member of such faction. Doing that, your identity will be concealed and NPCs will treat you as a member of that faction. As long as your deception holds. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44325465/25c2ce1169355960186f73574d05715857cee0ea.png[/img] This opens [b]dozens of alternative approaches with existing quests and systems[/b], here’s a nice bullet-point list detailing everything: [list] [*] You’ll be able to [b]get minor and major quests from hostile factions[/b]. This won’t help you increase your relationship with them, but money is money! [*] When disguising yourself as an enemy during quests, [b]new diplomatic paths are available[/b], but it’s also possible to simply use your guise to launch a surprise assault on your enemies. [*] Are you interested in criminal activities but also care about your reputation? Just put a faction outfit on and the [b]NPCs won’t blame you but the faction you’re disguised as[/b]. Provided you don’t get exposed. [*] A group of bandits ambushed you while traveling? Not a problem, you can try to pass as one of them, and get away without fighting! [*] On top of that, we also added [b]hundreds of new dialogue lines[/b] to allow NPCs to react to disguises. Just be careful while reporting back after doing a quest: they will remember if you took the job while pretending to be a priest. [/list] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44325465/e8bb49e54f69350cac8861ac6fc5013fa6d91cea.png[/img] There are also a couple of features we’re still working on that will take advantage of this new mechanic: [list] [*] A few major quests will become specular, allowing you to [b]choose which side you want to support, or even play both sides[/b]. With disguises, sabotaging the enemy's side while pretending to work for them will also be possible! [*] Since NPCs won’t blame you for what you do while using disguises, it will soon be possible to use them to [b]alter existing relationships between two factions[/b]. This goes both ways, and doing quests or helping people while disguised may appease hostilities between the two parties. [/list] The next demo build is nearly ready, with only a few issues left to address, and you’ll soon be able to fool NPCs by cosplaying different factions!