Dustgrave's stealth system: how to get away with killing and stealing

Dustgrave: A Sandbox RPG

Embark on an epic journey, enjoying complete freedom in a dynamic sandbox RPG. The world and its inhabitants will witness your deeds and react accordingly, adapting the narrative to your choices and delivering a truly unique and free experience.

Today we will cover how the [b]stealth system[/b] works in Dustgrave and why we devoted so much time to it. In a game where [b]all NPCs remember what you did to them[/b], it’s fundamental to have the possibility of acting from the shadows to avoid negative consequences. In Dustgrave, you will always have the option of activating a stealth mode to move around without getting noticed by the various NPCs. Depending on a character’s skills and equipment, they [b]may be stealthy enough[/b] to infiltrate buildings, steal precious items, and even recover secret information. NPCs have [b]two different ways[/b] of perceiving the player: [list] [*] They have a [b]cone of view[/b], with a size varying depending on the character’s attributes. If a hidden character steps into the cone, they only have a few moments to get away before they get caught. [*] They can [b]hear sounds[/b], meaning that trying to open the chest right behind them may attract their attention. [/list] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44325465/b2132bb45cb8ea578f9db5bda963ecfef86a8d9f.png[/img] Did you manage to get through the security and steal some valuables? Good for you! But now it would be better to run away and lie low for a while, because NPCs will soon notice that something is missing and will most definitely try to find who stole their stuff. NPCs won’t only react to crimes-in-progress, but also [b]notice that you emptied their shelves or picked a few locks[/b]. After they find evidence of a crime, they will alert the guard and start searching for the culprit. After a few hours, things will go back to normal and NPCs won’t blame you, [b]unless every single time you visit a village, stuff goes missing[/b]. But be wary, because a few items are easy to recognize, and selling some goods back to their previous owner will get you in trouble. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44325465/c0b71fd9d189f6a155f787637e84dc7c05a86e06.png[/img] The Stealth system will also work during fights. It will be possible to [b]ambush[/b] enemies to start the combat with the upper hand, but it will also be possible to [b]silently take down isolated enemies[/b] and avoid them alerting their friends. Killing an entire camp of bandits without triggering an alarm won’t be easy, but will reward the player with the gift of anonymity: no one saw anything, therefore no record will be added and relations with the bandits won’t worsen. https://store.steampowered.com/app/2393370/Dustgrave_A_Sandbox_RPG/