The 1.4.1 update provides many visual and textual fixes and updates to the user interface, as well as enhancements to performance and game balance. However, the primary focus of this update is the implementation of user analytics for Professional, Education, and Enterprise Edition licensees. (For more information, visit our website: [url=https://threatgen.com/red-vs-blue/]https://threatgen.com/red-vs-blue/[/url])
The analytics roadmap has two levels. Level 1 Analytics, rolled out this update, provides the following:
[*] User statistics (games played with dates, duration, total turns, score, win condition, games won or lost, red team or blue team, games won or lost as each team, human or computer opponent, wins and losses versus each type of opponent, score, successful compromises, and successful detections)
[*] Ability to filter by game, team, and opponent type
[*] Ability to sort by, and easily view, statistics for each match (useful for events, assignments, labs, and competitions)
Level 2 Analytics, available in Q1 2021, will include:
[*] Individual cybersecurity category scoring and analysis such as governance, ICS security, physical security, security policy, and cybersecurity strategy
[*] Expanded statistics tracking such as actions played, research performed, and assets attacked
[h2][b]Current Release Notes[/b][/h2]
[b]1.4.1 Release Notes (Professional Only)[/b]
[*] Added Level 1 Analytics
[*] Added web caching to improve game load time
[*] Added CRC to state packets to minimize “out of sync” issues on unreliable network connections
[*] Added current registered/activated username/email to the settings/about UI
[*] Added copy/paste functionality to activation input fields
[b]1.4.1 Release Notes (General)[/b]
[*] Adjusted game balanced to reduce disproportionate blue team disadvantage
[*] When red team compromises network devices, they can see the connected devices, or devices that device “knows about” (similar result as a host scan)
[*] Added shield icon legend in red team UI
[*] Added current resource pool indicators to the action tree UI
[*] Added copy/paste functionality to all lobby input fields
[*] Changed the “Tech Inspection” action to “Threat Hunting” and made wiki updates, accordingly
[*] Changed “Reset” action wording to “Reboot”
[*] Updated appearance of “Cipher” character
[*] Minor audio bug fixes and updates
[*] Minor visual and text fixes and updates
[h2][b]What’s Next?[/b][/h2]
[*] Level 2 Analytics
[*] Educational scenarios and labs
[*] Accompanying curriculums
[*] LMS support
[*] Tabletop exercise mode
[*] Additional network environments
[*] Scenarios
[*] Campaign mode
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