Testing Demo Version 0.4.1 Online


Cyclopean is an old school CRPG based on the Great Abyss of H.P. Lovecraft's Dreamlands.

I've uploaded a playable, but incomplete version of the game for testing purposes. If you have the beta key, you may choose to try it out. If you are interested in trying it, but don't have the key, visit my Discord server and ask about it there... https://discord.gg/EV7gZHhd In this version (0.4.1) you can explore the game's overworld and 5 dungeons. The dungeons are all roughly the same procedurally generated setup, just like we saw in the Game Jam version. However, each dungeon should be saved between visits and should have a different kind or assortment of monsters within. Most of the game mechanics are things you can learn and experiment with in-game. You will use WASD movement and the mouse to select from menus. The only thing not obvious will be using F5 to open the save game menu. You need to hit Enter to save once you've selected a slot. Each encounter will give you a variety of options, combat, stealth and dialogue. Learning how and when and where to use each will change depending on your alliances and gameplay strategy. Each move will (usually) require a "roll" against your character's appropriate stat. i.e. attacking checks against your character's "skill" and the damage will be modified by their "strength." [h3]Combat[/h3] follows pretty standard CRPG gameplay. However you have the option of finding allies and incorporating them into your party. [b]Allies[/b] can be used to fight against enemies by using the [b]Marshal[/b] command in the combat menu. Allies can gain experience and level up just like your character, but in a limited capacity. The number of allies you can have is dependent on your character's "mind" stat. [b]Attack[/b] and [b]flee[/b] are pretty self explanatory. [b]Yield[/b] is when you've tried everything and are willing to give up some items, allies and/or captives to escape with your life. Use it only as a last resort. [h3]Stealth[/h3] allows you to [b]ambush[/b], [b]pilfer[/b] your enemies inventory, [b]sneak[/b] around and [b]capture[/b] your enemy. Although captives don't actually do anything special just yet. Sneaking will depend on your "skill" stat. [h3]Dialogue[/h3] is where you will be able to [b]align[/b] with new party members, [b]trade[/b], [b]inquire[/b] and, when finished, [b]pass[/b] by an allied creature. In order to gain an alliance you will need to find and successfully read a book about that type of creature. When rolling your character's stats, you may also start off with an alliance in place, though not always. Reading books is dependent on your "mind" stat. [h3]Doors[/h3] can be locked or unlocked. If you have the right kind of key, you can simply [b]unlock[/b] them. Or if you have a lockpick and sufficient "skill" and "mind" you can try to [b]pick[/b] the lock. Alternatively, for a stronger character, you may choose to [b]bash[/b] it, but failing may cause you some damage. [h3]Feedback[/h3] is very much welcome at this stage. I am not sure how all these game mechanics will be used by players, or if they are remotely balanced right now. [h3]Features[/h3] I am planning to add next include: 1. More monsters 2. Levels for treasure chests (right now they are totally random) 3. Camping to gain health and set your fleeing location outside 4. Choosing which attributes to increase on level gain 5. Saving the state of the overworld 6. Different kinds of dungeons for each area