Telltale's Sam and Max gets remastered by the original developers this December

Sam & Max Save the World

The Freelance Police are back in a remastered version of their first season of episodic adventure games, lovingly updated by a small group of the original developers with the blessing of Sam & Max creator Steve Purcell.

Telltale's Sam and Max brought us a modern revival of adventure games, and if only for that reason I shall love it forever. Well, it's also a delightful comedic point-and-click, and if you haven't had the chance to play it yet - or want to play it over again - there's good news. A team of ex-Telltale developers will bring us Sam and Max Save the World Remastered this December.

Sam and Max Save the World (or Season One, if you were following the series before it got an official subtitle) originally launched episodically starting way back in 2006. The remastered version hits Steam and GOG (and Switch, if you're into the whole console thing) on December 2, updated to run on modern machines with modern graphical features.

The new release will run in 16:9 at whatever resolutions your PC can handle, and includes new keyboard or gamepad control schemes alongside the original point-and-click option. The game hasn't been fully remade, but certain scenes have been tweaked with "new acting and camerawork", and there are updates to the original character models, plus new original music, too.

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