Talented 0.13 Update - Cooking by the Book


Slay waves of spooky enemies for 20 nights to survive 'The Demonic Conveyor Belt'. Talented is an arcade roguelite with randomly generated skill trees. Choose your upgrades and abilities wisely and you might just make it out alive. Are you truly Talented?

Greetings Talented Gamers! It's update time again and we sure have a big boy for you this time! [b]Alchemist[/b] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44388421/579431ccfa924bf4556f0ece4ccc6e2908538582.gif[/img] Our 6th and final Class [b]The Alchemist[/b] is here to Craft Potions and Detonate Runes. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44388421/bac00614e44ca4b010d939aa62bfa9972d7789a8.gif[/img] Combine 4 different ingredients to create 1 of 256 different Potion Variations to take down your foes. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44388421/698f975f0f2c16d4bd495d66a65d8c74961e2010.gif[/img] Alchemist is releasing with a full set of Core Talents and a Full Base Package which combined give him over 30 Talents in his arsenal. We'll also be releasing 3 Alchemist Challenges, with new skins and a Legendary Talent to unlock. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44388421/d7db7bb8e5607a2dde2ca6dd6f7d7ceae6d65baa.png[/img] [b]New Enemies[/b] Some new faces coming this update! It's been quite a while since we added to the enemy roster, so we're really excited to hear what you think of these bad boys. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44388421/ad21e9ce6050eef9904a41ec091bea131f39cfae.gif[/img] Tatty the Rat will run in, burrow and then slowly creep towards you when he unburrows. Sorry Orbs! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44388421/295f6b35352a3380581915c964e75af7cc55dd5d.gif[/img] The Treedle Twins are all fun and games until you kill one of them, his brother will *not* thank you for it. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44388421/3000aaa775e4fba5f169498ceae948d68d8e3461.gif[/img] 1 enemy = 7 blobs? I hope you brought AoE! [b]New Elites[/b] [b]Talent Packages[/b] Something we didn't announce in our devlogs, we have 10 new Talent Packages coming in this update! Wizard, Archer, Warrior, Summoner and Bandit will be getting 2 each... We won't reveal too much as surprises are fun, but here's a couple of highlights: [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44388421/84cf3878c9cf140ab755fa1731823a94094dee46.png[/img] Archer will be getting a Quiver Package, how many Quivers Talents can you find? How many shots will you be firing? [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44388421/eb771ec4e27ccacad70da641224619eabd2fe071.png[/img] Bandit will be able to upgrade the shop with one of his new packages! [b]Balance[/b] We're generally quite happy with the balance of our Classes after our 0.12+ balance patch, but there's always room for improvement and there's definitely some issues with Medium (Night 10) enemy balance we want to look at. [i]General[/i] [list] [*] Talent Packages now distribute Talents evenly, so both Rares in the package will appear a more similar number of times [/list] [i]Enemies[/i] [list] [*] Buster Health Points reduced to 8 (down from 10) [*] Busters now enrage closer to the player [*] Smushrooms now only buff enemies for 5 seconds (down from 8) [*] Smushrooms buff now lasts until the enemy dies [*] Increased the absolute maximum speed of enemies in the Eternal Nightmare [/list] [i]Archer[/i] [list] [*] Vortech Aim Bot Crit Chance up to 15% (from 10%) [/list] [i]Wizard[/i] [list] [*] Ability Power Up reduced to 20% (down from 25%) [*] Lightning Crash (renamed from Lightning Bolt) increased to 8 Damage (from 5 Damage) [/list] [i]Warrior[/i] [list] [*] Sweet Combo has been replaced with [Inflame] - Double your Maximum Rage [/list] [i]Summoner[/i] [list] [*] Ocuplex (Summon Googly) Cooldown reduced to 8 seconds (from 10) [/list] [i]Bandit[/i] [list] [*] The One Ring now gives Bandit a Shop [*] Monopoly now gives 750 Gold (up from 250) [/list] [b]Bug Fixing/Quality of Life[/b] [list] [*] Enemy Kill, Elite Kill and Talent Learn achievements can now be incremented and unlocked in Challenges [*] Gulfs now burrow to the correct position when Warrior has increased size [*] Guardian Unleashed now sets Warrior's Parry Chance to 100% and doesn't reduce it below 0% when the buff times out [*] Combo Talents will now correctly interact with Overconfident, no longer requiring you to gain a Combo Level for them to Activate [*] All Planned will no longer Activate when Mastery causes you to take damage while a Combo is present due to Overconfident [*] Mystery Talents no longer appear as Mystery Talents after being purchased until unhovered [*] Blight Shells now correctly contributes towards the Snail Collector Achievement [*] Damage numbers no longer move onto a second and third line when large enough [*] Talents that Activate when learning Rare Talents (e.g. Thesis and The Two Ring) will no longer Activate when an Ability is learnt [*] Enemies will no longer appear as a Crawley for a frame when Confused or Feared [*] Bonus Ability Charges will now correctly apply when restarting the Zombies! Challenge [*] Throwing Weapons now increase in size as their damage increases [*] Zoom In/Zoom Out on the Talent Tree is now bound to the Z/X keys [*] Pressing Enter to exit the Talent Tree while a Tooltip is active will no longer cause the Tooltip to remain active [*] Reduced the bloom intensity to reduce the amount of flashing lights in Eternal Nightmare [*] The Bullet Heaven Achievement will now only unlock while playing Bandit [*] Various spelling an tooltip fixes [/list] [b]Performance[/b] Eternal Nightmare crashes were a big topic last update, we expected some amount of this but not quite as many as we had! We've made many performance improvements to the game to improve stability in the hyper late game but this does include one additional core gameplay rule: [i]Enemies will no longer spawn if there are more than 500 enemies on screen (they will continue to spawn when one is killed)[/i] This is *a lot* of enemies to be clear, it's only a realistic case around the 2 minute mark in Eternal Nightmare. We'll be closely monitoring this rule to see if it has undesired effects on gameplay through 0.13 and will look into alternatives if so. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44388421/bd514ddf17fb9bf4fa06a65da1243e21de10ef58.gif[/img] That's a wrap! Looking forward to hearing all of your feedback, and it won't be too long until we're talking about what's coming in 0.14, so... [i]Stay Talented[/i]