Hello Commanders,
Supply Drop One has arrived. The war with The Collective has intensified, bringing with it new weapons of war to turn the tide of battle.
This update brings the following to Forged Battalion:
[*]Tier 4 attachments and mods for infantry, vehicles and buildings are now available for unlock.
[*]Added 5 brand new campaign missions – take the battle for freedom to Europe as you go on the offensive against The Collective.
[*]Balance tweaks – We’re looking at you, artillery!
[*]Fixes and content – Squishing bugs and adding some polish to the UI!
Full update notes for Supply Drop One can be found below:
[h1][b]Five new campaign missions![/b][/h1]
The battle for Europe begins…
A new ally appears from the shadows, Dr Olivia Mendelson, a former Collective scientist turned resistance leader.
Having contacted your forces, Dr Mendelson requests your aid in liberating Europe from The Collective and its barbaric overseers, General Abernathy the Serpent and General Olmacher the Salamander.
Heed the call and prepare to fight across France, England, Poland and Russia in your mission to free Europe from The Collective’s grasp.
[h1][b]New Technology[/b][/h1]
Prepare to upgrade your faction with new technology!
Harness the powers of gravity, quantum and sonic upgrades to reign supreme over your enemy.
[h1]Tier 4 Weapons[/h1]
[b]Disintegration Beam[/b] – Light channelled damage over time for six seconds. If the target is still in the beam after six seconds, it is instantly killed. Instant kill does not work on building.
[b]Sonic Pulse Gun[/b] – In addition to damage, the pulse stuns infantry for a few seconds.
[b]ELF Field[/b] – When stationary, the unit generates an extreme low frequency field in a radius around itself. All enemy infantry in the area are slowed 50% and cannot attack. Does like sonic damage to all ground targets. Cannot hit aircraft.
[b]Disruptor Cannon[/b] – Applies channelled sonic damage over time.
[b]Reverberation Field[/b] – When stationary, the weapon charges. Once powered, all structures in a large radius around the unit take damage over time. Does not affect units.
[b]Gravity Beam Cannon[/b] – Long build up; when beam fires, all objects along path of beam are damages and slowed 50%. Aircraft caught in the beam are pulled to the ground and destroyed. The beam can hit aircraft, but can’t target them directly.
[h1]Tier 4 Support Mods[/h1]
[b]Energy Shield (Units/Turret)[/b] – Reduces all incoming energy, gravity and quantum damage by 50% and reflects the blocked amount back to the attacker.
[b]Energy Shield (HQ)[/b] - Reduces all incoming energy, gravity and quantum damage by 50% for all non-turret structures and reflects the blocked amount back to the attacker.
[b]Kinetic Shield (Unit)[/b] – Reduces all incoming ballistic damage by 50% and increases movement speed by 20.
[b]Kinetic Shield (Turret)[/b] - Reduces all incoming ballistic damage by 50% and increases health by 40.
[b]Kinetic Shield (HQ)[/b] - Reduces all incoming ballistic damage by 50% for non-turret structures and all harvesters gain a move speed bonus of 10/
[b]Quantum Sensor (Unit/Sensor)[/b] – Disrupts stealth fields in a radius around the chassis.
[b]Quantum Sensor (HQ)[/b] – Disrupts stealth fields in a radius around all non-turret structures.
[b]Predictive Radar (HQ)[/b] – All non-turret structures gain long-range quantum radar that reveal enemy blips under the fog of war.
[b]Gravity Field Generator (HQ)[/b] – All non-turret structures gain a field that slows enemy aircraft and hover units by 50% and all other units by 25%.
[b]Gravity Compensators (Aircraft)[/b] – Reduces all incoming gravity damage by 50%, Prevents the aircraft from being instantly killed by strong gravity effects. In addition, enemy aircraft around the unit are slowed by 30%.
[h1]New Locomotor Mods[/h1]
[b]Hover Chassis (Land Vehicles)[/b] – Replaces wheels with hover movement. Hover is slower than wheels but can pass over shallow water terrain.
[b]Jumpjet Frame (Infantry)[/b] – Adds jumpjet capability to the infantry frame, allowing infantry to jump up/down cliffs and increasing base speed by 50.
[h1]New Superweapons[/h1]
[b]Quantum Stasis[/b] – All units and turrets in the area are encased in a quantum field; they are invulnerable but cannot move or use weapons. Does not affect base or civilian structures. Can target enemy or allied objects.
[b]Singularity Cannon[/b] – Launches a small black hole at the target area, pulling units in and causing damage over time until it closes.
[*]AI have been balanced to react more intelligently in certain situations.
[*]All Artillery (includes Ballistic Artillery for HV and Proton Artillery for HV and Tur)
- Projectile speed reduced to 500 (was 600)
- Weapon Cooldown increased to 3.2 (was 2.2)
[i]REASON[/i]: The damage for artillery is where it needs to be, but the shot speed and rate were a bit too high to highlight their flaws. With this change, artillery should still be devastating to stationary or clumped targets, but it should now be easier to dodge their shots if you are paying attention.
[*]Map Desiccated Coast:
- Added outpost positions in corners (skirmish version only)
- Added one additional resource node in each base location.
[i]REASON[/i]: This map had an issue with resources being hard to get to after the initial burst. These changes make it easier to take control of the resources in the corners without having to base creep across the water.
[*]Toxic Missile Superweapon – Base damage increased by 25%
[*]Caustic Grenade (Infantry) – Base damage increased by 25%
[*]Gas Disperser (Turret) – Base damage increased by 30%
[*]Gas Bomb Rack (Aircraft) - Base damage increased by 66%
[h1][b]General fixes and content[/b][/h1]
[*]Adjustments to tactical HUD to display the actual units instead of iconic representations – please let us know what you think!
[*]Mission 2 – AI no longer build barracks on top of resource node.
[*]Mission 1 – Fixed a softlock that occurred at the end of the mission if the player saves and loads at specific points in the game.
[*]Superweapons – Rocket Bombardment attack duration now matches the visual effects.
[*]Canyon Ruins – Edge of map can no longer be seen.
[*]Multiplayer – If a lobby host disconnects when a client user is joining the lobby, the client does not need to restart the game to play multiplayer again.
[*]UI – Tweaks to icons displayed on the HUD minimap.
[*]Power bar tooltip is now in place. It shows current draw out of max, and it color-tints gradually from green to yellow to orange to red.
[*]Surround sound settings added to options screen.
[*]Fixed a bug where the game may freeze for all users in a multiplayer lobby, when adding and removing AI players.
[*]Fixed a bug where the Comm Centre tooltip showed the wrong build prerequisites.
[*]Fixed an issue where the harvester icon would be overlapped by resource node icons on the minimap.
[*]The numpad 5 button now appears as a bindable setting in the Key Bindings options.
[*]Chat lobby logs can now be scrolled by mouse wheel.
[*]SFX now always plays when unlocking tech in the tech tree.
[*]The “ADVANCED TACTICS: ARMOR AND DAMAGE TYPES” section of the game manual has been updated.
[*]It’s now possible to exit out of the Key Binding process.
[*]Tweaks to accented characters appearing capitalized in French and German.
[*]Fixed cut off text for some tech tree descriptions in multiple languages.
That’s Supply Drop One, Commanders!
We hope the 300% increase in Research Points earned, from our previous update, aids you in your journey to unlock Tier 4 and everything inbetween.
We’d love to hear what you think of the new content and balance changes, so feel free to share your feedback with us here on the Steam Forums, drop us a tweet to the [url=https://twitter.com/ForgedBattalion?lang=en]Forged Battalion Twitter[/url] and join the conversation over on [url=https://discord.gg/team17]Discord[/url]!