Hey Community,
Headquarters has deployed the fourth patch based on your feedback.
This patch focuses on campaign improvements, creating better balance and a better pathfinding for multiple units.
[h1][b]BUGS & GENERAL CHANGES[/b][/h1]
[*] All Campaign missions: Cinematic triggered by a "Base Lost" will now play at the last victory structure killed.
[*] Campaign Act 1: Objective marker no longer appears on the minimap when the AI rebuilds their base.
[*] Campaign Mission 5 balancing changes:
[*]Enemy allies no longer rebuild their HQ.
[*]AI starts 90 seconds after the match begins.
[*]AI are only able to build 2 of each Factory type.
[*]Campaign Mission 6: Additional audio barks added.
[*]Campaign Mission 7: Starting infantry renamed from “Light MG Infantry” to “Flame Infantry”.
[*]Campaign Mission 7: Chemical store barrels no longer release gas after being destroyed with a Fuel-Air Bomb superweapon.
[*]Campaign Mission 7: Chemical explosions no longer occur after destroying a Chemical Store barrel with a single flame unit.
[*]Campaign Mission 9: Additional audio barks added.
[*]Rail Town Map: Infantry equipped with Proton Bazooka, Plasma Bolt Rifle and Sonic Pulse Guns now pathfind correctly when firing down from steep cliffs.
[*]Available upgrades tab now updates after tabbing off and back onto the Faction Creator’s Customize tab.
[*]The Faction Creator’s Customize tab now defaults to “New Unit” after deleting a unit.
[*]Opponent base colours on the minimap are now consistent between campaign levels .
[*]Caustic Grenade, Turret Gas Dispenser and the Gas Bomb Rack have had their base damage stats updated to reflect recent balancing changes.
[*]Creating production waypoints after loading a save game no longer creates a line from each production structure.
[*]Hover chassis and jumpjet tech values have been reduced. This will mean some custom units using these attachments may be reduced in build level.
If you encounter any issues, please get in touch with us here [url=http://steamcommunity.com/app/686260/discussions/1/]Report A Problem[/url] so we can assist you.