Forged Battalion Patch 4 - Bug Fixes, Balancing and Pathfinding!

Hey Community, Headquarters has deployed the fourth patch based on your feedback. This patch focuses on campaign improvements, creating better balance and a better pathfinding for multiple units. [h1][b]BUGS & GENERAL CHANGES[/b][/h1] [list] [*] All Campaign missions: Cinematic triggered by a "Base Lost" will now play at the last victory structure killed. [*] Campaign Act 1: Objective marker no longer appears on the minimap when the AI rebuilds their base. [*] Campaign Mission 5 balancing changes: [list] [*]Enemy allies no longer rebuild their HQ. [*]AI starts 90 seconds after the match begins. [*]AI are only able to build 2 of each Factory type. [/list] [*]Campaign Mission 6: Additional audio barks added. [*]Campaign Mission 7: Starting infantry renamed from “Light MG Infantry” to “Flame Infantry”. [*]Campaign Mission 7: Chemical store barrels no longer release gas after being destroyed with a Fuel-Air Bomb superweapon. [*]Campaign Mission 7: Chemical explosions no longer occur after destroying a Chemical Store barrel with a single flame unit. [*]Campaign Mission 9: Additional audio barks added. [*]Rail Town Map: Infantry equipped with Proton Bazooka, Plasma Bolt Rifle and Sonic Pulse Guns now pathfind correctly when firing down from steep cliffs. [*]Available upgrades tab now updates after tabbing off and back onto the Faction Creator’s Customize tab. [*]The Faction Creator’s Customize tab now defaults to “New Unit” after deleting a unit. [*]Opponent base colours on the minimap are now consistent between campaign levels . [*]Caustic Grenade, Turret Gas Dispenser and the Gas Bomb Rack have had their base damage stats updated to reflect recent balancing changes. [*]Creating production waypoints after loading a save game no longer creates a line from each production structure. [*]Hover chassis and jumpjet tech values have been reduced. This will mean some custom units using these attachments may be reduced in build level. [/list] If you encounter any issues, please get in touch with us here [url=]Report A Problem[/url] so we can assist you.