Commander Clash 1v1 Tournament Four - Saturday 24th March - £20 Steam Wallet Code Prize!

[img][/img] Hello Commanders, Welcome to the [url=]fourth official 1v1 tournament for Forged Battalion[/url]! This tournament will challenge you to 1v1 combat, as you fight for ultimate glory, bragging rights on the battlefield and a £20 Steam Wallet Code! Players MUST check-in to the tournament on Saturday 24th March prior to 18:00 GMT. Check-in opens at 17:30 GMT on the day. Please make sure you check-in between 17:30pm GMT and 18:00 GMT. This must occur in addition to signing up, otherwise you will not be able to compete. Please remember that brackets are not final until check-in has closed. [b]Prize[/b]: 1 x £20 Steam Wallet Code [h1][b]Commander Clash – The Rules[/b][/h1] [h1]Rule One – Technology and Units[/h1] All currently available technology and mods are allowed for use in the tournament. All players are welcome to play in the competition, irrespective of tech level or faction build. [h1]Rule Two – Results Reporting[/h1] At the conclusion of a match both players should take responsibility for ensuring the correct results are logged on Challonge. As proof of result both players involved in a match should take a screenshot at the conclusion of the match where the end result can be seen. This will help should any disputes arise. [h1]Rule Three – No Shows[/h1] The tournament will begin at 18:00pm GMT on Saturday 24th March. Players should aim to arrive no later than ten minutes before their first match is due to start. There is a grace period of ten minutes following 18:00pm GMT (tournament start) in which late participants can still enter the competition. After 18:10pm GMT participants that have not arrived for their first match will be disqualified from the tournament. Following the first round of matches, successful players should add their next opponent on Steam and co-ordinate the next match to be played immediately. [h1]Rule Four - Player Disconnections[/h1] Please ensure your connection is stable before your match begins. Due to the nature of RTS games and the importance of the early game, there is no disconnection grace period. If a player loses connection to the game at any point during a match, then they will forfeit the match. This rule can be overturned if the player that remains connected is happy to rematch. [h1][b]Game Rules[/b][/h1] Forged Battalion operates dedicated servers for multiplayer, as such no host advantage can be gained. Due to this both players can create a match lobby. In the case of a disagreement on who will host the player on the top of the match bracket will default to match host. [h1][b]Lobby settings[/b][/h1] Both players should take responsibility for ensuring the following lobby settings are in place prior to the match starting: Map: Desiccated Coast Mode: Standard Victory Condition: BO1 If it is discovered that the game has started with the wrong settings the match should be restarted immediately. Complaints raised for incorrect match settings are invalid after the first thirty seconds of the match. [h1][b]Sign up[/b][/h1] You can enter the tournament using [url=]this link[/url].