Five New Maps - Live Now!

[img][/img] Hello Commanders, Today we’re excited to add five new multiplayer maps to Forged Battalion’s Ranked, Unranked and AI Skirmish modes: [b]Two Player[/b] [list] [*]Mud Trap [*]The Divide [*]Timber Valley [/list] [b]Four Player[/b] [list] [*]Pining Away [/list] [b]Six Player[/b] [list] [*]Gear of War [/list] When designing the above content, we took onboard your feedback, sculpting the landscape based on what you’ve told us. The aim of these new maps is to change the pace of battle and open new tactical options and situations that you may not have experienced on the existing maps. We’re keen to hear what you think of these new maps, so feel free to let us know over on the Steam forums!