Supermarket Manager - Devlog #9 - ”Maintenance”

Supermarket Manager

Supermarket Manager: Lead, manage, develop, and upgrade your own stores. Choose the right products and employees. Increase your revenue to create a strong supermarket brand.

[h1]Hello Managers![/h1] [h2]If you want your Supermarket to always look great you need to take care of it![/h2] Maintenance is something that you need to perform regularly! Telling yourself "I'll do it tomorrow" is a short road to making your market fall apart! Diligence and hard work always bear fruits even if at first it's very difficult to force yourself to follow a certain schedule. Customers will, however, take notice of your venue being in peak condition at all times! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38216048/594820062e2a0f36cb247e4c133a3057acc61b5e.png[/img] Broken floor can not only look bad but can also be a health hazard. Your customers will definitely feel better walking around clean and safe place. Thankfully you will be equipped with tools that will help you maintain the right conditions for your place. It might cost you extra however can you really put a price on the image you'll be creating with your actions? [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38216048/9d386d09a325160595638f7a3d271f6fb78311f0.png[/img] It's easy to forget about cleaning shelves but if you don't do it the effects will show up quite easily. Nothing makes customers more unwilling to buy than seeing that what they are buying were put in a dirty container or fridge. Don't make that mistake and be sure to always do due diligence. [i]Thank you for checking in with us this week - see you next time![/i] Best regards, Supermarket Manager Team [url=][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38493800/3275740acc70c627275e89ee73f2cec9575f4e27.png[/img][/url]