Supermarket Manager - Devlog #5 - ”Customers are always right!”

Supermarket Manager

Supermarket Manager: Lead, manage, develop, and upgrade your own stores. Choose the right products and employees. Increase your revenue to create a strong supermarket brand.

[h1]Hello Managers![/h1] [h2]Customers are the most important people you will meet during your career as a manager! Some of them might even demand to talk to you! Do you know why they are so important?[/h2] While building your own Supermarket and making sure it is exactly as you imagined it is easy to momentarily lose yourself in your own little world. It is however very important to remember that in the end it will be customers who will be the final judge of your achievements and your work. It will be them who will come barging to your market to find anything they might need and if they don’t find that - they will be angry. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38216048/056d619c0d3c9839f6f449761c571465ebfeb651.jpg[/img] You need to carefully plan your market and manage your employees so they’re always on their best behaviour and helpful toward the customers. You need to act quickly if you see any problem arising in your object. You need to be always on the lookout for potential ways of improving yourself and your location. The work never ends - it’s a process, a gratifying and satisfying process when everything works like a Swiss clock but it can get sour pretty quickly if you stop giving it your 100%! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38216048/34a2181b81a14c04b5ed158e006b05be8796da8e.jpg[/img] But if you manage to do well, if you manage to create a fantastic place - for your employees and for your customers - you might expect that it will always be bustling with happy people. It will never be boring - working in this kind of industry naturally invites many surprisingly pleasant and unexpectedly stressful moments and you need to be able to manage them all well in order to prepare a great place. A place many will come back to with a smile on their faces and that will be known for being welcoming and fun. [i]Prepare yourself for many adventures while managing your place![/i] Best regards, Supermarket Manager Team [url=][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38493800/3275740acc70c627275e89ee73f2cec9575f4e27.png[/img][/url]