Supermarket Manager - Devlog #7 - ”Own it, fix it, make it!”

Supermarket Manager

Supermarket Manager: Lead, manage, develop, and upgrade your own stores. Choose the right products and employees. Increase your revenue to create a strong supermarket brand.

[h1]Hello Managers![/h1] [h2]Beginnings are often very difficult - remember though that good results come to those with good effort![/h2] At the start of the game your market might resemble a site of some kind of tragedy even after just building it. Water leaking out of unfinished pipes, destroyed shelves and old products rotting in the corner, walls falling apart at the slightest touch... this all might be your reality in few first seconds after getting your own place however you should not start crying yet! Your fate is in your hands and so is the fate of the Supermarket! Get ready for some hard work fixing the place so it looks the best even to the most careful inspectors! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38216048/c417dfedf6ede36a173c4a30bd7c5e38bb1bc182.jpg[/img] Let's get some new wall paint and change the shelves, then let's fix all the areas where it seems like time has struck and renovate it. All the boxes randomly laying around need to be rearranged and placed in their rightful corner or perhaps even thrown away? Needless to say we need to sweep the floors and make sure that all the equipment is usable - if it's not we'll need to throw it away and buy something new. All depends on you! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38216048/5801378da12f04d43473fe2f0638963429be4b97.jpg[/img] Ah, now that's much better. Products neatly arranged on new shelves, some great posters and signs showing what kind of products will our customers be able to find in this particular alley. There is still some work to be done here but it looks much better than it used to. And that's the gist of it - small steps will take you higher and higher you simply cannot stop making them! [i]You'll have to do your best in many areas but we know you can do it![/i] Best regards, Supermarket Manager Team [url=][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38493800/3275740acc70c627275e89ee73f2cec9575f4e27.png[/img][/url]