Super Catboy Patch #2 has arrived!

Super Catboy

Super Catboy is an action-packed platformer created in a high-bit pixel art style, combining the best elements of the golden 16-bit platformer era of the 90s with some ‘pawsome’ new mechanics! And let’s not forget; there’s plenty of CAT CONTENT!

Thanks for all the feedback! We worked hard to fix most of the noted bug and issues players have experienced. Most outstanding might be the changes to the [b]Airship Outside[/b] level and the [b]Dobermann Boss[/b]. On top of that a lot of smaller and bigger bugs where fixed. [h3]Level Changes[/h3] [u]Airship Outside[/u] [list] [*] Added visual indicator before wind takes full effect [*] Wind duration adjusted. [*] You can now climb and hold on to walls while the wind is blowing without being permanently disconnected. [*] Fixed some colliders so that you don't fall through the floor on the wing platforms when landing on the edge of them. [*] Added a little secret passage [/list] [u]Doberman Boss[/u] [list] [*] Spreads his shots over a wider angle, giving the player more time to avoid them. [*] It is now easier to jump over or duck under. [*] Grenades can now also be punched back after landing on the ground. [*] Reduced the time it takes for a grenade to explode. [*] Added a visual indicator just before the grenade explodes. [*] The ceiling in the second battle is higher, making it easier to dodge his shots. [/list] [u]Canyon 1[/u] [list] [*] Fixed wrongly placed colliders that would allow you to glitch through a wall and not be able to return to the main area. [/list] [u]Factory 1[/u] [list] [*] Added a collider so you can't go out of bounds anymore. [/list] [u]Factory 2[/u] [list] [*] Some oil barrels now have alternating flames [/list] [u]Treetops [/u] [list] [*] Added a collider and camera limiter so you can't go out of bounds anymore. [/list] *Various mini-adjustments in some more levels [h3]Quality of Life (QoL)[/h3] [list] [*] Slightly increased iframes (invincibility time) [*] Increased the damage collider for Catboy's punches, making it easier to hit enemies when they are standing in the same spot as Catboy himself. [*] Flamethrower punch sound removed [*] Spring gun sounds now have a stereo effect and get quieter the further away they are. [/list] [h3]Bug Fixes[/h3] [list] [*] You can now punch during the landing animation [*] Cat parts display in bike levels now counts correctly [*] Fixed >100% score in certain levels [*] [b]Fixed not being able to reach 100% in airship outside level[/b] [*] Fixed jitter of catboy sprite when standing still [*] Fixed black screen when dying for two different reasons at the same time [*] Catboy no longer drops a weapon immediatly when collected while in the air [*] Swat Dog Enemy shows the correct damage sprite now [*] Various other mini fixes. [/list] Thank you very much for your support!