Suits: Absolute Power Patch 05/19/21

Suits: Absolute Power

A business planet full of mystery, relics of power, dangerous jobs and terrifying monstrosities. Will your company defy the toxicity of this environment or will you find yourselves courting the power of corruption itself, in absolution.

[h1]An Update[/h1] Hey everybody, it's been a long time since we have updated Suits. After releasing Suits 2 we began developing our next big game, Gamma 19. Help us out by adding Gamma 19 to your wishlist it lets Steam know that we exist. We will have a demo out shortly for everyone to play. [h1]Fixes[/h1] Not really much in terms of fixes just a few things: [list] [*]Added a new Video Playback System. (Hopefully, those of you who couldn't see the cutscenes can now.) [*]Fixed a bunch of typos. (Probably all of them.) [*]Fixed the UV Lamps in Gamerica. [*]Fixed some other smaller things that I forgot to write down. [/list] [h1]The Future of Suits[/h1] Currently, all focus is being put on Gamma 19 so making new updates to Suits is going to be a challenge. However, I do have a list of planned updates to improve the Suits experience. I can't guarantee that some of these updates will happen due to the amount of work needed, but I will try. [list] [*]Linux Port (This is definitely happening, just need to fix the cutscenes.) [*]Battle System Tune-Up (One of the biggest issues with Suits 2 is the battle system. A lot of the complaints usually stem from here. This update will improve the current skills of the characters and make changes to how missing attacks work. Of course, making some balances as well.) [*]Battle System UI Changes (This might be thrown in with the Tune-Up update, but it might not. This update will make changes to the Battle UI. Adding things like visual status effects and displaying all of the player's health will help improve the battles.) [*]UI and Inventory Overhaul (One of the worst things in Suits 2 is the Inventory System. It was developed at the beginning of development at a time that I was still learning this engine. There are a lot of issues with the current system. 1. You can't expand the inventory. The code doesn't allow me to make changes very easily. 2. There is a big bug that only one player has found with it and that is when your inventory is full and you are given an item that item is gone for good. So for now just get rid of items you don't need. 3. It just really sucks. This update may or may not happen due to the amount of work required since a lot of systems in Suits rely on it.) [/list] That's all I got for today. Don't forget to wishlist Gamma 19 to help us secure a future for Technomancy Studios. -MAL_Ware