Suits: Absolute Jazz OST

Suits: Absolute Power

A business planet full of mystery, relics of power, dangerous jobs and terrifying monstrosities. Will your company defy the toxicity of this environment or will you find yourselves courting the power of corruption itself, in absolution.

After a very long and pointless back and forth with Valve, the Suits: Absolute Jazz OST for the smash banging Indie RPG, Suits: Absolute Power, is now available for purchase on Bandcamp and Steam! If you enjoyed the beats and want to own the MP3's on [url=] The Steam Page [/url] or the WAV exports on [url=] Bandcamp! [/url] ( where it can be streamed for free and you can choose to support us w/ extra! :D) [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/36524067/a514f4f64c02f6f4fb96006256a490385d1fd440.png[/img]