Going Under is a satirical dungeon crawler about exploring the cursed ruins of failed tech startups. As an unpaid intern in the dystopian city of Neo-Cascadia, you’ll wield office junk as weaponry as you make your way through the offbeat procedural dungeons beneath your company campus.
To celebrate the Steam Summer Festival, we've put the demo back up for grabs!
A [i]new and improved[/i] demo, no less! This demo has crucial bugfixes (no more free wins when the boss sticks his head in the wall!) and gameplay tweaks we've made over the past few months. We don't have a full patch notes (I mean it [i]is[/i] just a demo) but someone in our discord made one so I'll post that at the bottom.
FURTHERMORE, INTERNS, we're doing an AMA stream today at 3PM right on the Steam page! Ask us anything about the demo, or development story, or Caelan's social security number. I memorized it when I set up the Aggro Crab bank account~
You can write us questions in the Steam stream, or the [url=https://discord.gg/ejEyWQ9]Going Under Discord[/url] in general chat or or general voice chat.
See you there,
[*] Noticed some skills got changed in the demo v3. Lots of big animation and UI changes. When the boss is defeated boss dismissed pops up.
[*] There's also some newer stuff you can buy that seem related to meta progression. I noticed you can buy coffee for Tifi (costed quite a bit of cash too), and something called cubits. I'm assuming those are used to unlock new gear/perks for the dungeon.
[*] Also some small balance changes. Warhammer has damage 10 now instead of 8, I think the crossbow got buffed to 12. More interesting is that the shelves where you can get weapons from now take 2 hits from a box/chair to break instead of 1, so there's a durability up on those.
[*] The health up app was revamped completely. You stand still doing yoga for a while and can be interrupted. If the animation completes you heal half a heart. Way less powerful than the old one
[*] Skelecaster's been seriously reworked. You get the AOE after you complete the swing animation, but it fires on every swing.
[*] The car enemies now only have 1 shield, but their HP looks buffed to compensate.
[*] New app, Upcycle, that lets you upgrade your weapon. 2 uses. Upcycle also restores your weapon durability when you upgrade it.