Going Under is a satirical dungeon crawler about exploring the cursed ruins of failed tech startups. As an unpaid intern in the dystopian city of Neo-Cascadia, you’ll wield office junk as weaponry as you make your way through the offbeat procedural dungeons beneath your company campus.
Howdy! I’m Sam, and I’m a designer and gameplay developer for Going Under. If you’ve played our demo (if you haven't, it's live now for the Summer Games Festival!), then you’ve gotten your beak wet in Joblin. And while you may have seen Sellswords, Freelancers, Chauffeurs, and Joblifters, there are over 30 more enemies (not including variants) that you have yet to see. I wanted to introduce you to some of them!
[h2]Joblin Freelancer[/h2]
So you’ve gotten killed by a freelancer. Maybe like 4 or 5 times. These guys are the first tough enemy you’ll come up against in Joblin. And to be frank, they’ll probably keep giving you trouble throughout your time playing Going Under. These guys start out with fairly short range weapons, usually holding thumbtacks and pencils, but by the time you reach floor B3, they’ll be holding long range brooms, spears, and tablet pens that can electrocute you!
Let me give you some tips! Do NOT just walk up to these guys charging an attack, they’ll punish you when you inevitably whiff. Before a freelancer strikes, they’ll first hop back, so hold off on your attack and let them make the first move! Using the Focus button can also help you keep track of them while they dodge around.
[h2]The Winkubus[/h2]
The most nimble enemy in the dating-app dungeon Winkydink, she flits around throwing projectiles at long range. If you’re in combat with one of these, keep your eye on her.
The Winkubus has one move in particular that WILL trip you up, and if you’ve ever dated online, you know this move well: getting ghosted! The winkubus will teleport around the room to get a better angle on you, and sometimes when you’re about to land a hit on her, POOF, she’s gone!
But her ghosting is predictable. She’ll often try to appear directly behind you to hit you with a projectile, so if you’re quick on your feet, you can turn around and punish her before she has a chance to attack. You can even stand in front of a hazard like a fire trap and force her to teleport right into it!
Styxcoin, the very real and very famous cryptocurrency, is quite literally mined from underground. And in these dank caves live Kilobats, little flying guys that deal death from above.
While they take the form of cute squeaky bats, and can often be easily dispatched with a well-placed folding chair, their attack can throw a wrench in your plans. When a kilobat is right above you, they’ll perform a loop-de-loop and come crashing into the ground with an electric blast.
Kilobats aren’t the most challenging enemy, but they ARE greedy. In Styxcoin, you’ll be collecting the STX cryptocurrency instead of dollars, and these bats love it. If you leave any STX lying around on the ground, they’ll beeline straight to it and gobble it up. This will leave you with less dough, which means you’ll have a harder time affording items from the shop.
Like I said, these are only a few of the many monsters you’ll come up against, many of which have multiple versions with cruel twists to make your internship a living heck. Hopefully these tips will come in handy, but mostly I’m excited for you to be stuck in a room with these suckers wishing you had 2 more hearts and a decent weapon.
Thanks for reading, that’s all I have for today!
- [url=twitter.com/imadethisthing]Sam
Oh and by the way, our game is part of the Steam Summer Games Festival so make sure to try out the demo and wishlist here!
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