Steam Summer Sale + Chance to win Free copies!

HELLMUT: The Badass from Hell

Hellmut: The Badass from Hell is a fast-paced bullet-storm dungeon crawler. Use absurd Transformations to defeat demonic hordes, challenge random bosses in random levels, equip powerful guns, loot valuable treasures, and basically murderize a shockingly large number of demons.

Hey everyone! Hellmut is on sale for the wonderful Steam Summer Sale. It is 33% off! If you already have the game, but want to get it for a friend, or maybe just want another copy, we're running a giveaway! [b]Twitter:[/b] Follow the Hellmut Twitter page, and retweet this tweet for a chance to win a free copy of the game: [url=]Click me![/url] [b]Facebook:[/b] Like the Hellmut page, and share this [url=]photo[/url] for a chance to win a copy of the game. Good luck everyone! Share this information with your friends so they can share/retweet the posts and maybe win a copy of the game for themselves! Happy spending! - Hellmut Dev Team . . . [spoiler]Soon, we'll be releasing the community Discord, so be on the lookout for that annoucement. ;) [/spoiler]