Hellmut: The Badass from Hell available now!

HELLMUT: The Badass from Hell

Hellmut: The Badass from Hell is a fast-paced bullet-storm dungeon crawler. Use absurd Transformations to defeat demonic hordes, challenge random bosses in random levels, equip powerful guns, loot valuable treasures, and basically murderize a shockingly large number of demons.

Hi, we are so excited to launch our first game Hellmut on Steam :) So far we are getting a lot of positive buzz, so we hope you will enjoy it. Here is one of the first reviews: https://indiewatch.net/2018/02/26/drag-exposed-spinal-cord-hordes-demons-hellmut-badass-hell/ We would love to hear your feedbacks and thoughts on the game so we can improve it further! Thanks and have fun! Best, Peter Nagy Grindstone