The Last Hero of Nostalgaia is a satirical action-adventure, brought to life by a twisted and wicked tale. Featuring hard but fair combat, *full character customization, unique battle armor and engaging narrative mechanics rich in lore, Nostalgaia plunges you into almost certain death at every turn.
Build 1.4.01
Bugs Repaired:
- Fixed a bad bug where tethering at NPCs for boss "quick loads" didn't work.
- Fixed an issue where players were unable to scroll through the list of their own written messages.
- Fixed an issue where access would reset its self down to 20 when picking up more.
- Fixed an issue where door connecting NPC city to Heartflow Altar could be used twice after a saved game is loaded.
- Fixed an issue where hammering roll while out of stamina could cause the player to briefly glide forward without animating.
- Fixed an issue where Unburdening 30 items doesn't update your equip load until reloading the game.
- Fixed an issue where cinematics made all messages appear, even if players had chosen to hide all messages
- Fixed an issue where killing The Grinder in multiplayer awarded double memory.
- Fixed an issue where item pickups dropped from enemies didn't process the lucky bonus chance of giving you an extra item.
- Fixed an issue where backstabbing Sco would cause her to freeze.
- Fixed an issue where you could cast spells from your inventory regardless of how much access you had.
- Fixed an issue where Wunderschoenenberg could not navigate around Sco properly, leading to occasional freezes in her behavior.
- Fixed an issue where Nhero and Sco wouldn't help with the Arachnid in The Depths
- Fixed an issue where the intro cutscene wasn't properly playing on Steam Deck
- Added new key rebinding options for "Select Next Item" and "Switch Stance"
- Added an accessibility option for "Hold Roll to Sprint."
- Added "Controller recommended" screen on new game.
- Friendly combatant NPCs are not much more likely to draw agro durring boss fights.
- Fogwall after Wunderschoenenberg now stays up until you go into the king's room. to fix an issue where some players were getting lost.
Happy Adventuring!