State of the game August 8th 2022

What was

3d space style game where you walk around a ship trying to figure out what happened as you seem to be the only survivor. In the far future as humanity fights its biggest war yet. you wake up in a broken ship floating in space with no clue what happened to the crew or the ship.

[b]Fleshed out some of the story and go back to the drawing board on other parts. [/b] [h1]Story[/h1] is roughly 78% [h2]Gameplay[/h2] will be [u] ≈ 30 mins to and hour (This will change)[/u] [h3]Story[/h3] so far is you are on a ship all alone trying to figure out what and where you are. Walking around the ship will help you figure out what went wrong [h1]If you want to track development[/h1] [url=]Devlogs[/url] Trailer [previewyoutube=bLkdQS5oFoY;full][/previewyoutube]