Spellbound Spire - Official Release

Spellbound Spire

Go on an immersive VR Journey into a magical tower in Al-Andalus filled with corruption. Progress the tower's mind-bending walkways and reality-altering moments using your magical gloves. Can you solve its mysteries and restore the peace in the tower?

[h1]Release Patch Notes[/h1] Hey everyone, Thank you all for playing Spellbound Spire during our beta. Your feedback helped us improve the game a lot! So without further ado: Spellbound Spire is now released! [h2]General Changes:[/h2] [list] [*]Performance improvements [*]Removed debug text [*]Added Easter eggs [*]Improved stability of moving hands through portals[/list] [h2]Audio:[/h2] [list] [*]Updated sound mixing [*]Updated sound effects [*]Updated ambiance set dressing [*]Added cutscene audio[/list] [h2]Graphics & UI:[/h2] [list] [*]Improved Lighting across all levels [*]Improved set dressing across all levels [*]Updated hand UI[/list] [h2]Bug Fixes:[/h2] [list] [*]Fixed oculus booting issue [*]Fixed fade to black in walls [*]Fixed floor tiling [*]Fixed various soft-lock moments[/list] [h2]Ongoing:[/h2] [list] [*]Safety and security fixes[/list] We are still listening closely to your feedback to further improve our game.