Some important bug fixes

Cube Conflict

Join the battle in Cube Conflict, a free and open-source FPS game where dumb smileys are locked in a never-ending war... Expect the unexpected as you face off against a ninja wielding a GAU-8 or priests wielding nuclear missiles and power armor. Download now and join the fight!

Here are some fixes for the game. I recommend doing the update so you can avoid problems when playing in multiplayer! I'm also investigating a (rare) server crash since version 0.9.3. Maybe it's fixed now, or maybe not! [list] [*] Fixed a bug where ammo/items were spawned in game modes where they don't spawn. [*] Fixed bad team balance by bots when a new player connects to multiplayer with only one other player. [*] Fixed a bug where a power armor explosion caused the selected weapon to change. [*] Fixed auto-equipping a weapon while grabbing it, not updating in multiplayer. [*] Fixed risk of not having game intro applied when a new player connects during the game intro. [/list] [h2]Improvements:[/h2] [list] [*] When players leave the game while other players are playing with bots, new bots will be spawned to replace the deserters. [*] Soft-coded NPCs and monsters so you can add your own ;) [*] Improved random name generator. [/list]