Complete overhaul of the audio, optimizations, and many bugs fixed!

Cube Conflict

Join the battle in Cube Conflict, a free and open-source FPS game where dumb smileys are locked in a never-ending war... Expect the unexpected as you face off against a ninja wielding a GAU-8 or priests wielding nuclear missiles and power armor. Download now and join the fight!

Hello, Cube chunks! Today I am bringing you [b]the most significant game update[/b] since the pre-release! Also, thank you for being more and more numerous to play ːsteamthumbsupː Keep sharing the game with your friends; the servers are here to heat up! The biggest change in this version is the implementation of OpenAL Soft to manage the game's audio part, which allows adding lots of cool effects like reverb, sound occlusion, Doppler, and many others ːsteamthumbsupː [previewyoutube=_qGIWtVf2xs;full][/previewyoutube] The list of fixed bugs is getting longer, and [b]some quite annoying bugs have been fixed[/b], such as the inability to jump out of the water, or the (rare) possibility of not being able to pick up an item on the ground. Some [b]graphic improvements[/b] have also been made, like enhancing the rendering of clouds, fog, grenades about to explode, and of course, the nuclear explosion. On a low-end PC, you will also notice a [b]performance improvement[/b] with a [b]reduction in loading times[/b] and CPU usage during the most intense games, thanks to quite a few optimizations, whether it's on the audio or physics side. Finally, a 100% human server has been put online. Many of you asked for the ability to play with friends without being exterminated by AIs, and now it is possible ːsteamthumbsupː [h1]Beta v0.9.5[/h1] [h2]Improvements:[/h2] [list] [*] The nuclear explosion is now more imposing and impressive. [*] Addition of a graphic effect on the grenade. [*] Addition of a sound effect for the grenade. [*] Improved cloud rendering: Taking into account sunlight, adding a parallax effect. [*] Improved display of damage dealt to enemies; the values will now be much more visible. [*] Improved fog management, the rendering will now be more varied and realistic. [*] Improved HDR management, some abusive glare effects have been corrected. [*] Improved depth buffer management; artifacts will be reduced. [/list] [h2]New Features:[/h2] [list] [*] Addition of different reverberations depending on the maps. [*] Addition of a Doppler effect for all sounds. [*] Addition of a sound muffling effect when the camera is underwater. [*] Addition of an option to disable the 10-second introduction to games. [*] Addition of the ability to display the health bar and username of players in spectator mode. [*] Support for two languages (FR and EN) for server descriptions. [*] Addition of a "Humans Only!" server, without any bots to play quietly with your friends. [/list] [h2]Bug Fixes:[/h2] [list] [*] Fixed a crash risk related to any player changing weapons. [*] Fixed issues related to the death screen while spectating. [*] Fixed the display of other players' statistics while spectating in the third person. [*] Fixed a bug that made some items (weapons, boosts, shields) impossible to pick up. [*] Fixed a bug preventing jumping out of water. [*] Fixed invisible monsters using the electric rifle appearing in "Invasion" game mode. [*] Fix of poorly calculated Viking ability rage in "Invasion" game mode. [*] Fix of an unaccounted damage penalty calculation (Shoshone->American). [*] Fixed a bug where a bot's mana could be double-counted. [*] The mini-map works again in "Invasion" and "Tutorial" game modes. [*] Fix of the filter applied to the image upon death that was also applied when becoming a spectator. [*] Fix of a bug in the options menu for SMAA and FXAA that prevented them from being completely disabled. [*] Fix of wizard ability no.3 that did not reduce damage in solo (tutorial and invasion). [*] Fix of the American's passive ability (increased super-weapon damage) which did not work in solo (tutorial and invasion). [*] Fix of written messages that could appear in solo mode and then remain indefinitely on the menu or other game modes. [*] Fix of the DPS value on the tutorial map which did not take into account the bonus or penalty of damage from abilities. [*] The option to stop sounds when the game is minimized finally works. [*] Player statistics will no longer be displayed while spectating in a free camera. [*] Removed a message in the console saying that the game was paused when unpausing. [*] Fix of performance (FPS and PING) no longer displayed on the death screen. [/list] [h2]Buffs and Nerfs:[/h2] [list] [*] The crossbow's rate of fire has been increased by 20%. [*] The base damage of the SV-98 has gone from 90 to 100. [*] Aiming with the Camper-2000 now reduces projectile dispersion. [*] The Campouze-2000 damage is now proportional to the number of projectiles hitting the enemy instead of being fixed. [*] Medics and dealers can only see the health or mana bar of allies at a reduced and not infinite distance. [/list] [h2]Engine:[/h2] [list] [*] Replacement of SDL_Mixer with OpenAL Soft. [*] Ability to link a sound effect to any object. [*] Optimization of the majority of sound effects. [*] Optimization of the management of bouncing objects (casings, pixels, etc.); they will no longer appear at a distant distance to save resources. [*] Reduction in loading times for sound effects. [*] Improved management of the sunlight ray effect. [/list]