Tales of Yore is a light-weight 2D MMORPG featuring all your RPG tropes in one casual package. Explore, complete quests and slay evil monsters to write your Tale. Alternatively make yourself a nice purple hat and show off. The choice is yours!
So, whats this Tales of Yore thing anyway? We're coming up on our second birthday and we're starting to see a decent increase in players. What's it all about?
Tales is intended to be an "old school" MMORPG - that means, it's hard, you have to spend time working stuff out and the fun is in exploring. The game is big enough now to take 100s of hours to full explore and has built up a friendly positive community (we don't really stand for the normal toxic behaviour on these things).
Bits you might not like (or alternatively might be the best thing in the world):
[*] There's[b] no Player vs Player[/b] combat - it just generates negative community aspects so the game doesn't have it. It won't have it, ever.
[*] There's [b]no concept of pay to win[/b] - if we find anything that can be abused that way, it gets removed. You can pay to subscribe if you want to support the game but everyone is equal, pay or not.
[*] You have to [b]work stuff out[/b] - Tales doesn't take the approach that players need to be lead by the nose through the game. If you're more in to being told to go to X, then go to Y, this probably isn't going to work for you.
[*] It's [b]hard[/b] - you can die easily by walking into the wrong place without taking care. When you die you can lose gold and equipment (though not always or everything). Luckily there are generally people around to help you back up.
[*] Its [b]early access[/b] - things are always changing, there are normally a couple of releases each day with bug fixes, balance changes and new features.
So, if you have time and are up for the [i]challenge[/i]. Come along and play before we reach the year 2 party - theres bound to be some birthday gifts around!