Tales of Yore is a light-weight 2D MMORPG featuring all your RPG tropes in one casual package. Explore, complete quests and slay evil monsters to write your Tale. Alternatively make yourself a nice purple hat and show off. The choice is yours!
I know, I know, you've heard it all before. The dev got bored and wandered off the project... no progress, everything is quiet.
Well half right, I had to take a break. I've spent 40 years building games but never got a chance to do it as my day job. That chance has come up so I've spent the last few months taking it and running! :) I've put a lot of time into my new role and unfortunately that meant I needed to take a break from Tales.
But I'm back baby!
There's a lot to do, here's a few of the things you can expect coming up
[*] The long awaited next continent begins, starting with Toronga, the Pirate Port.
[*] More pets - I was just getting to these when the break started
[*] Summoning and Hiring Mercs - who doesn't want to pay for protection?
[*] More house variations and upgrades
[*] More in game events - I have a special plan to make these really interesting
[*] All the things that have been logged as ideas, bugs etc - this is actually my first stop
If you're reading this, I appreciate you! I'm back in the chair and raring to go!