Cosmetics, Jobs and Treasure Maps

Tales of Yore

Tales of Yore is a light-weight 2D MMORPG featuring all your RPG tropes in one casual package. Explore, complete quests and slay evil monsters to write your Tale. Alternatively make yourself a nice purple hat and show off. The choice is yours!

Tales of Yore got some big updates! [list] [*] Cosmetics - There now a whole range of cosmetic items available, some paid for, some free to subscribers and some just plain free! These include the new visible weapons update which of course means you can now walk around with a huge sword or staff. [*] Jobs - Many towns now have Jobs boards which contain procedurally generate mini quests, so theres always something to do. Completing jobs gets you tokens, and tokens can be exchanged for brand new prize items. [*] Treasure Maps - There are no treasure maps available that have you searching the world for buried treasure. There's a lot of junk out there, but maybe, just maybe, you'll be the one to find the real treasure hidden in random locations around the world. [/list] Next up is mounts and pets! Come play, have fun, make friends and write your own tale.