April Dev Log - The Beat Goes On, for Two Years?

Tales of Yore

Tales of Yore is a light-weight 2D MMORPG featuring all your RPG tropes in one casual package. Explore, complete quests and slay evil monsters to write your Tale. Alternatively make yourself a nice purple hat and show off. The choice is yours!

[h1]April Dev Log [/h1] You can find the latest dev log over here: https://kevglass.itch.io/tales-of-yore/devlog/514585/the-beat-goes-on-for-two-years It's really been 2 years since the start of development of Tales of Yore. Come check out how the game has changed! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41935952/8fb9b939b1d3ec68f53e55eeb29bb4ea3c960c50.png[/img] [h1]Keys to the Kingdom[/h1] The final and probably biggest change this month - and certainly the #1 asked for feature - keyboard control. Up to this point I'd be worrying about this one, the game was designed with a network model (lockstep-ish) that made me feel like keyboard control would never work. I'd actually tried it a couple of times over the last two years and never got anything close to usable. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41935952/44ffc9c274f57cb708ecd85b968adde4553c379b.png[/img]