[h2]Shopaholic [/h2]
In Fallen Knight, you'll be rewarded with Honour Points by successfully parrying and disarming enemies. From the menu you can access the shop, here you can purchase upgrades and abilities to land more powerful blows, or give you that extra edge with the boss you've been struggling to defeat!
[h2]Become Unstoppable![/h2]
Purchase health upgrades to absorb more hits, Wrath of God upgrades to fill your meter quicker or even abilities to vary your attack combos. From jumping and slashing to spinning and slamming accumulating massive amounts of damage.
Stay tuned for more updates and insights into the lore and mechanics of Fallen Knight!
Make sure to keep up to date with Fallen Knight by adding to your wishlist on steam, or by visiting our [url=https://pqube.co.uk/fallen-knight/?utm_source=sendinblue&utm_campaign=Fallen_Knight_Gameplay_Feature&utm_medium=email]website.[/url]