[h2]June Launch Postponed[/h2]
We are sorry to bring you the news that Fallen Knight will be unfortunately delayed. We are working really hard to make sure Fallen Knight can be the [b]best possible version of itself![/b]
[h2]Steam Summer Festival[/h2]
However, in light of the situation, the Fallen Knight demo will be available to play during the Steam Summer Festival! [b]The demo will be live on the 16th June 2021.[/b]
Stay tuned for more updates and insights into the lore and mechanics of Fallen Knight!
Make sure to keep up to date with Fallen Knight by adding to your wishlist on steam, or by visiting our [url=https://pqube.co.uk/fallen-knight/?utm_source=sendinblue&utm_campaign=Fallen_Knight_Gameplay_Feature&utm_medium=email]website.[/url]