Introducing Emo Walker Pierrot!

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38546891/acfdf23b8dda14cdf18d3f715993a83f5efc61bd.gif[/img] [h2]Trick Or Treat![/h2] Known underground as[i] the Code Breaker[/i], [b]Pierrot is a dark and sinister mystery clad in neon lights.[/b] A trickster by nature, he will manipulate your very surroundings to secure his win. You must be vigilant in defeating this foe and have faith in your abilities! Parry his lightening-fast attacks,[b] jump, dash and dodge,[/b] or succumb to his flashing deadly darts. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38546891/5cbd9e9b3aa841565ac706116b82eae3ce82b78d.gif[/img] [h2]The Code Breaker[/h2] Little is known about his past, but Pierrot is severely disabled, [b]a result of surviving bouts of heinous torture at the hands of his foes[/b]. He now wears a suit fashioned from the Knights' very own [i]Holy Technology,[/i] [b]and carries an evil force within him thirsty for revenge.[/b] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38546891/22789d5efaaca4afe78973cd9e91068429b23e6e.gif[/img] [h2]Kill Or Disarm?[/h2] Choose to[b] kill or skilfully parry and disarm[/b] enemies. Exhibiting the mercy and honour expected of the Round Table is more difficult, [b]but will earn you valuable 'honour points', and even unlock multiple alternate endings![/b] Stay tuned for more updates and insights into the lore and mechanics of Fallen Knight! Make sure to keep up to date with Fallen Knight by adding to your wishlist on steam, or by visiting our [url=]website.[/url]