Sequel "Trap Master" Releasing Tomorrow!

Candy Disaster - Tower Defense

Candy Disaster is 3D trap-style tower defense game where you guard candies against alien thieves! Unlock powerful and clever traps, choose your arsenal for different bases, and find the deadliest trap combination - then watch those space goons walk into their death!

Dear Candy guards, [h3]Less than 24 hours till the Early Access release of the sequel "Trap Master"![/h3] We simply can't wait! We listed some questions you might be interested in for the release. [b]Q: What kind of game is Trap Master?[/b] A: Roguelike, Roguelike deckbuilder, tower defense, turn-based. All these tags apply! Essentially, you play a deck of traps and powers to mow down waves of bizarre creatures and protect your altars! Craft a unique deck of traps and powers, discover treasure of surprise effects, and guard a different base each time. [b]Q: Pricing?[/b] A: The game will be priced at $14.99. For the launch week, it will be discounted at $13.49. [b]Q: Can I get it at an even better price?[/b] A: Of course! There will be a bundle with the prequel Candy Disaster. If you already own Candy Disaster, you can get an additional 10% off and get Trap Master at $12.14. (More bundles on the way!) [b]Q: Exactly when will be Trap Master be released?[/b] A: November 12th (Sunday) at 5PM PST! [b]Q: Will my progress in the demo or the prologue be carried over to the full game?[/b] A: Your gamesave will not be carried over to the full game. But the demon cards you got in both the demo and the prologue will be available in the full game! (You are also free to delete the demo cards) Let us know if there's anything elese you'd like to know! Salute, ACE