A Brief Recap of 2023

Candy Disaster - Tower Defense

Candy Disaster is 3D trap-style tower defense game where you guard candies against alien thieves! Unlock powerful and clever traps, choose your arsenal for different bases, and find the deadliest trap combination - then watch those space goons walk into their death!

[h3]Candy Guards,[/h3] 2023 has been a year of challenges and harvest for us! This year, [i][b]Candy Disaster[/b][/i] released Snow Smash & Daily Challenge Modes, Arcade Trap pack, and the Pirate's Loot system. We also launched the sequel [i][b]Trap Master[/b][/i] in November! As the sequel to [i]Candy Disaster[/i], [i]Trap Master[/i] takes the tower defense elements that you love in [i]Candy Disaster[/i], and adds to it rougelike deckbuilding mechanics, in order to bring you a creative, fun, and replayable gaming experience! [h3][i]Trap Master[/i] has been released in November as Early Access. Don't miss it if you haven't tried it yet (Currently it's at historical discount!) [/h3] https://store.steampowered.com/app/2330870/CD_2_Trap_Master/ Just in time for the winter sale, Candy Disaster is 60% off ↓↓↓↓ https://store.steampowered.com/app/1231460/Candy_Disaster__Tower_Defense/ Looking ahead to next year, we will release the full version of Trap Master - stay tuned! Happy winter & stay warm, ACE