Sequel "Trap Master" Demo LIVE!

Candy Disaster - Tower Defense

Candy Disaster is 3D trap-style tower defense game where you guard candies against alien thieves! Unlock powerful and clever traps, choose your arsenal for different bases, and find the deadliest trap combination - then watch those space goons walk into their death!

[h3]Hey candy defenders, [/h3] Klaus here! I'm the designer of [i]Candy Disaster[/i]. [h3]We're thrilled to invite you to try the demo of [i]Candy Disaster[/i]'s sequel [i]Trap Master[/i]! [/h3] [previewyoutube=vIlGMU4BB_s;full][/previewyoutube] [h3][b]About the Demo[/b][/h3] [list] [*] The Trap Master demo will include the first [b]TWO chapters[/b] of the game. [*] Plenty of cards to build your deck with, a variety of bases to defend! [*] Newly developed features: Inscribe your cards to add special buffs! [/list] [h3][b]Your Feedback Matters[/b][/h3] At the end of the demo, there will be a Survey to collect your opinions. Please leave your feedback - it would help us a lot to improve the game experience. [h3]You can also fill it out [url=]here[/url]. [/h3] [h3][b]Other Things[/b][/h3] The game is still under development, and does not represent the quality of the final full version. Please bear with any bugs that might appear. If you like the demo, we could use your feedback [b](join our [url=]Discord[/url][/b]) and [b]wishlist the game[/b]! Thank you!