Looking for Alpha Testers for Candy Disaster's Sequel :)

Candy Disaster - Tower Defense

Candy Disaster is 3D trap-style tower defense game where you guard candies against alien thieves! Unlock powerful and clever traps, choose your arsenal for different bases, and find the deadliest trap combination - then watch those space goons walk into their death!

Dear Candy Guardians, Remember when we said we've been working on our second game [i][b]Trap Master[/b][/i] (sequel to Candy Disaster)? https://store.steampowered.com/app/2330870/CD2_TrapMaster [h3]The first demo will be ready soon, and we are looking for alpha testers![/h3] We want to deliver a sequel that takes the best of Candy Disaster and adds fresh gameplay for both new and returning players. Your support and feedback will be tremendously helpful! [h3]How to Take Part in Alpha Test?[/h3] [olist] [*] [url=https://forms.gle/1PQ1JSADkn9rrW9S9][b]Please sign up by filling out this form[/b][/url] [*] Selected testers will [b]receive Steam keys via email[/b] by 09:00 April 14 (GMT+00:00) [*] Launch your Steam client and activate the game with the key! [*] The test will lasts for 3 days: 09:00 April 14 - 09:00 April 17 (GMT+00:00) [/olist] [h3]Content of the Demo[/h3] In this demo, you will be able to learn the basics of the game in a roguelike map, where you can get familiar with the main mechanics of the game: build a deck, play the cards to lay down traps and launch attacks to win tower-defense combats, and make the most of mysterious encounters on the way. [h3]Your Feedback Means A LOT![/h3] This is the first demo so bugs or other issues are possible. We call for your understanding and patience. We're hoping to gather feedback primarily on gameplay, and many of the in-game art assets are only temporary. Tell us what you think via the [b]in-game survey[/b], or [b]join our [url=https://discord.com/invite/cUmXQts5ms]Discord server[/url][/b] to get in touch with the team! Thank you! ACE