Secure Your Prize! First Workshop Mod Contest For Let's School!

Let's School

Dive into the exhilarating role of a headmaster entrusted to revive your alma mater! Beyond just bricks and mortar, train teachers, recruit students. Sculpt your school into a unique educational haven! Let's School!

Dear headmasters! Ever since the introduction of the Steam Workshop mod support & creation tool, we're so glad to see many high-quality, creative mods have been made & submitted to the workshop, contributing to over 100 mods in just 15 days! This has made our school lives in-game more enjoyable, and we really appreciate the support! [b][i][u]Interested to see what kind of mods have been created for Let's School? Click the image below to find out more![/u][/i][/b] [url=][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43281844/c9f3d638518e0a399affa86268ed305a79b5e67a.png[/img][/url] [b]Which mod right now do you think is the best? And what type of mods are you expected to see next? We plan to host a [u]mod contest[/u] starting sometime next week to have you decide on the best mod made by our community![/b] [h3]Special Reminder: for those who would like to participate in the contest and win this mystery Steam prize, please make sure to submit your mod to Steam Workshop (and make it public) before [b]July 15th[/b]! The mod with the most votes in the contest later will be granted the prize, plus we'll help promote your mod in the steamfront![/h3] [b]And don't forget, you can still get guaranteed Steam Gift Card prizes for your mod submission until July 15th! Once submitted, you can fill out the [url=][u][b]FORM[/b][/u][/url] here so we can contact you afterwards.[/b] Still hesitant to get this game? Wishlist us now so you can always get an update on future discounts! [b]Join our official [url=][u]subreddit[/u][/url] for more exclusive updates about the game![/b] [url=][b]Reddit[/b][/url] [url=][b]Discord[/b][/url] [url=][b]Twitter[/b][/url]