Magical Castles DevLog - Behind The School #3

Let's School

Dive into the exhilarating role of a headmaster entrusted to revive your alma mater! Beyond just bricks and mortar, train teachers, recruit students. Sculpt your school into a unique educational haven! Let's School!

[b]Hello headmasters![/b] It's been about 10 months since the initial launch of Let's School on Steam, with over 20 updates that further enhanced player experiences overtime. And we released the Water Towns furniture pack last month! What do you think of the DLC so far? Feel free to let us know in the comments :) Today here the team would like to use this devlog as an opportunity to share some of the insights to our game development, as well as touch on our plans for this project going forward. [h3]Upcoming Magical Castles DLC[/h3] If you've been following up on our social media, especially [url=][b]Reddit[/b][/url] lately, you'll probably find some screenshots & tease of our upcoming content pack. And yes you're right, the Magical Castles DLC is coming very soon! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43281844/5fdfb2f9f32ef840e3d533d06e481d04cbc9fbdb.jpg[/img] The idea for this DLC dates all the way back to our initial launch, when the team received a whole lot of feedback from players after release. One of which was to add more constructible items in-game. Among all the item suggestions, the magical school-themed idea was extremely popular, which led us to consider it as an option. Although Let's School is a game that primarily focuses on immersive, real-life experiences, we thought it would be cool to add a little magical twist one year later. At the beginning of our creations, the team took a lot of inspiration from the Harry Potter series and other related magical artworks. During the internal discussions, the director realized that he is probably the only muggle in the team and the rest of the team are all hidden Harry Potter/magic fans to some extent. This helped us a lot in creation and eventually set the furniture pack alive. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43281844/37b2da7601ab002ba4ed0b149752962cf9d97946.jpg[/img] Stay updated on our official channels so you can experience this new content pack when its out! [h3]Let's School Moving Forward[/h3] With the Magical Castles DLC already made and ready to go, we would like to share a story with all our fans. Our only artist, who have been suffering from severe neck pain lately, managed to help produce all the visual assets for the new DLC. However, treatment was urgently needed so he had no choice but to leave the team for his own health (which means we only have 4 dev members now (╥﹏╥) With him no longer in our team, it would be very challenging working without him moving forward. As a result, the team have decided to shift our focus in the future to support modding communities & UGC (user-generated content). This would allow Let's School to become a platform for everyone to express their imaginations & creativities over the long run. The plan for Steam Workshop official support is scheduled to be out soon, and we will update players at a later date. [h3]Enjoy 25% Off Let's School For A Limited Time![/h3] Last but definitely not least, you can now enjoy Let's School at a discount, with 25% off from now until June 7th! Now it's the perfect time to grab this game for your friends and loved ones! [b]Join our official [url=][u]SUBREDDIT[/u][/url] for more exclusive updates about the game![/b] [url=][b]Discord[/b][/url] [url=][b]Twitter[/b][/url]