Dive into the exhilarating role of a headmaster entrusted to revive your alma mater! Beyond just bricks and mortar, train teachers, recruit students. Sculpt your school into a unique educational haven! Let's School!
Dear headmasters!
[h3]We're so excited to announce that, along with the release of the console versions, Let's School is now officially Steam Deck verified! Enjoy managing schools on the couch :)[/h3]
[h3]Let's School is now available on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation and Xbox platforms![/h3]
[i]You can finally enjoy Let's School on your couch, or take it anywhere with a handheld Switch device![/i]
[b][h3][url=https://store.playstation.com/concept/10010636]PlayStation Store[/url]
[url=https://www.xbox.com/games/store/_/9PFTZX2770D5]Xbox Store[/url]
[url=https://www.nintendo.com/store/products/lets-school-switch/]Nintendo Switch Eshop[/url][/h3][/b]
[b]Still hesitant to get this game? Wishlist us now so you can always get an update on future discounts!
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