SacriFire - Devlog #9 - "Meet Ezekiel Ridan"


SacriFire is an upcoming RPG boasting a unique combat system, elaborate pixel art, and music by genre legend Motoi Sakuraba. Ezekiel Ridan, a young priest, struggles to keep his faith as the world he loves is threatened by a war between gods and demons. The adventure begins!

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40723431/6d41bccd7983985f18c0ff4fc49a15dabb6a79d0.png[/img] Hello, and welcome to our devlog entry about Mr. SacriFire himself: [b]Ezekiel Ridan[/b] (it’s pronounced Rye-den, by the way). Keep reading to find out everything that we’re ready to reveal about our game’s pious protagonist. As always, we’ll try to hold some of the most significant plot developments back, but if you prefer to a completely spoiler-free experience, then best stop reading now and wait for the release! You have been warned. [h3][b]Who is Ezekiel Ridan?[/b][/h3] Those who’ve played the demo will already have some idea about the role Ezekiel occupies within the world of SacriFire. He’s not a fully-fledged hero quite yet (actually, he’s just a lowly novice in the Church of Sheol) but he’s already built a reputation as a skilled warrior and a devout follower of the Word, known for his moral integrity and compassion. The Novice Masters speculate that Ezekiel could one day be destined for great things, perhaps even ascension to bishophood or beyond... while at the same time, Ezekiel’s fellow novices whisper in the training yard that perhaps the virtuous young priest might be just a little bit too perfect. Every day, carefully divided between prayer, sparring, and study – can anybody truly be so devout? Surely, pride will come before a fall. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40723431/6ce25fe26b3581865db3c6abe6f8d0a5a5874fc2.png[/img] [h3][b]Concept Art[/b][/h3] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40723431/91740af40e2f6ca309f9655da118e5e6b7e85706.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40723431/05fd26898f2253170d2d57b73adb31615a10b2c3.jpg[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40723431/1a2e5ca63917f5aba1e3efcf8bd73da96da6adcb.jpg[/img] [h3][b]Humble Beginnings[/b][/h3] [i]On the 14th Malkios, a blue-haired boy was born in a birthing wheel in Noyhu district; the son of Dekar Ridan, a local blacksmith, and Abigail Liffen, a florist. He was granted the name of Ezekiel Ridan.[/i] - [b]Register of Antioch, 552 M.N[/b] Ezekiel’s first years were happy but unremarkable, until a tragic accident claimed the lives of both of his parents. Agori Novitiate took the traumatised boy in and offered him the promise of a new life, in which, through the teachings of the Church of Sheol, he again found purpose and hope. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40723431/13416c5a601923e4174f379620dc3d7755fdc911.png[/img] [i]Ezekiel’s greatest idol is Elise Lejeune, a legendary bishop, who disappeared over five hundred years ago[/i] [h3][b]Paradise Lost?[/b][/h3] The god Sheol has great plans for Ezekiel, who promises to be a powerful force for good in Antioch. In the spirit world of Erebus, Sheol speaks directly to the aspiring bishop, helping to calm his occasional doubts and offer guidance whenever possible. Ezekiel’s devotion to Sheol is absolute – more than anything else, he deserves to serve his god well. However, Amaymon, the first Demon, recognises an opportunity to steal one of his ancient enemy’s most devoted soldiers away. Through the sinister and seductive Azura, Amaymon tries to reach Ezekiel in many different ways. Can the young priest be tempted over to the side of evil? While the story of SacriFire offers its fair share of physical battles, the true battle is a metaphysical one – the fight for Ezekiel Ridan’s soul. [h3][b]SacriFire at PAX West 2024[/b][/h3] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40723431/b0e3de67995a048f7b63157535e79a88413d42e1.png[/img] If you're attending PAX West this weekend, be sure to stop by the [url=]PAX Rising[/url] area, [b]Booth 825[/b] between [i][b]August 30th[/b][/i] and [i][b]September 2nd[/b][/i]. You'll have the chance to play SacriFire, chat with the team, and learn more about the game. We can't wait to meet you and hear your thoughts! [h3][b]See You Next Time![/b][/h3] That’s all for now! Please join us next month when we’ll be talking about some of Ezekiel’s companions.