SacriFire - Devlog #4 - "Myths and Beliefs in Antioch"


SacriFire is an upcoming RPG boasting a unique combat system, elaborate pixel art, and music by genre legend Motoi Sakuraba. Ezekiel Ridan, a young priest, struggles to keep his faith as the world he loves is threatened by a war between gods and demons. The adventure begins!

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40723431/ba87b82270f8d0d9d1c3f3235bd8543e19babe3f.png[/img] Hello, SacriFire community, we’re back with another devlog! This time around we’d like to explore some of the lore surrounding religion in SacriFire. Join us as we discuss the enigmatic Church of Sheol (and the myriad ways it influences the life of the citizens of Antioch), and reveal more about the elite holy warriors known as the bishops. [h3][b]💎 SHEOL, THE PROTECTOR[/b][/h3] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40723431/2898ab70cd984f001703115e72a1d15f53e48b8d.gif[/img] A central aspect of the life of many Antiochians is their daily worship of Sheol. Worship, not belief - because Sheol is the only god in Antioch, and communicates directly with people through their prayers, atheism is nonexistent in the city. Sheol is called “Protector” by many Antiochians, and with good reason. It is He who carried humanity safely through hell and delivered them to Antioch, their promised land. It is He who maintains the Hellgate, which keeps the city safe from the demons above. It is He who controls the Servers - those mysterious creatures that provide the citizens of Antioch with much of their food, and water. It is He who created Erebus, the beautiful spirit world which Antiochians visit whenever they pray. And so on. Beyond His roles as protector and provider, Sheol himself does not interfere with daily life in Antioch, or play an active part in the city’s politics or the personal affairs of its citizens. This role is taken by the Church. [hr][/hr] [h3][b]💎 THE CHURCH OF SHEOL[/b][/h3] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40723431/2cd60dfbf2fea058e8baf9a0a31ac18aed74f179.gif[/img] The Church of Sheol endeavors to serve as Sheol’s hand within Antioch. Their primarily role is to provide spiritual guidance for the people of Antioch, according to the divine texts (the Word) - a collection of stories, sermons and other divine texts which they have accumulated over the years. Texts such as The Voyage, The Myth of the Night Sky, The Sacrifice, and The Creation of Erebus form part of the Word. The Church also enforce the three divine tenets, the only truly inviolable laws of Antioch: [i]Doubt not thy God Harm not thy Servant Kill not thy Fellow Man[/i] The center of operations of the Church is located in the Spire district, built upon the highest stalagmite peak of the city. Chief amongst the many beautiful structures of Spire is the Dome - an enormous cathedral, built directly beneath the Hellgate. While the Church enforces the divine tenets, it does not rule the city. At present, this function is performed by the Assembly of Antioch (a somewhat democratic institution with representatives from the nobility of all the different districts of the city). [hr][/hr] [h3][b]💎 HIERARCHY OF THE CHURCH[/b][/h3] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40723431/a674f3347942e6415995a3db56ef5c43126a9cdb.gif[/img] So, how is the Church structured? Head of the Church is the Divine Mother, a revered and venerable spiritual leader, whose role, while respected, is largely that of a figurehead. The real meat of the Church’s administrative tasks are carried out by the nine cardinals (including Cardinal Adhemar, who will play a central role in Ezekiel’s journey). Aside from the Divine Mother and the cardinals, the most powerful figures of the Church are the inquisitors. Mysterious and feared, inquisitors serve as agents of the Sorrow Court - an institution dedicated to eradicating Heresy from Antioch. Little is known about these shadowy figures, who prefer to work in anonymity from behind a mask. The vast majority of the Church of Sheol, however, is composed of priests and deacons. Priests serve as spiritual guides for the community, while deacons are soldiers, responsible for enforcing the three divine tenets. After completing their studies of the word, each novice (church trainee) must decide which of the two paths they will walk. Our hero Ezekiel has elected to become a priest, while his best friend Zephaniah will become a deacon. There is, however, another possibility… Exceptional novices (those who pass the Trials) are promoted to the rank of bishop. Bishops are amongst the most respected members of the Church. They are effectively priests AND deacons - acting as both specialist soldiers and spiritual guides on behalf of the people of Antioch. The best of the best, you might say. [hr][/hr] [h3][b]💎 BISHOPS: ELITE WARRIORS OF THE CHURCH[/b][/h3] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40723431/f9f3144b1a800941f4ac06d9db889a31d2f19977.gif[/img] The bishops reside in Sanctuary, a majestic golden building located in Antioch's plaza, which only they have permission to enter. Of course, should Ezekiel Ridan succeed in passing the Trials, you will be able to see its halls, dormitories, and sparring yard for yourself. As people in the city set great stock in the protection offered by the bishops, any member of their ranks glimpsed walking the streets of Antioch is treated with respect and dignity, almost as a mythic figure. You will see people whispering and admiring their status, as well as their warrior skills and unique armaments... Ah yes, the armaments. DIVOS technology, available only to members of the Church of Sheol, gives bishops access to extraordinary weapons infused with energy, capable of changing form upon demand. Something that even the most experienced blacksmiths in Antioch had never seen before. The bishops also have another role in Antioch. One as important as it is secretive. One which… actually, we’ve already said too much. [hr][/hr] [h3][b]💎 SEE YOU AROUND![/b][/h3] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40723431/b8459244dde9b61d454e2a486178793aa29fa170.gif[/img] That’s all for today’s devlog, but we've only just scratched the surface of the world of [i]SacriFire[/i]. Myths play a crucial role in the game's story, shaping the characters and the history of the places you visit. We’ll leave these for you to discover for yourself once the game launches ;) See you next time! [h3][b]💎 Check out our previous devlogs:[/b][/h3] [b][h3]Join our Discord server![/h3][/b] [url=][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40723431/ee9902c0373beca549ead366d4e7c1f8667b65b5.png[/img][/url] [b][h3]Connect with us on other channels[/h3][/b] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/36023606/30dcb8d455a3b750d6ec4d601b7dd58645122467.png[/img] [url=] Follow us on Twitter[/url] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/34306834/784e407021b824991c9068767fa733b1395aa9df.png[/img] [url=] Check our TikTok[/url]