SacriFire - Devlog #8 - "The Bishops of Sheol"


SacriFire is an upcoming RPG boasting a unique combat system, elaborate pixel art, and music by genre legend Motoi Sakuraba. Ezekiel Ridan, a young priest, struggles to keep his faith as the world he loves is threatened by a war between gods and demons. The adventure begins!

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40723431/47697d62f18443497f717b9d5bf2eee24717ee34.png[/img] Hello, we’re back with another devlog! This time around, we’re taking a deep dive into the topic of Sheol’s very own demon-smiting rock stars: [b]the bishops[/b]. Bishops are the most revered warriors in Antioch, famed all over the city for their bravery, daring exploits, noble hearts, and stylish gold armor with white capes. Bishops do not involve themselves with the petty politics of the nobles, instead serving Sheol - and the people of Antioch - directly. [h2][b]Becoming Bishops[/b][/h2] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40723431/d8fafc01132c139d327857bd60d01e3cff23df5a.gif[/img] As one might expect to be the case for such an elite group, anyone hoping to become a bishop has to undergo a challenging series of tests, designed to weed out all but the strongest and bravest. These tests are known as the [b]Trials of Faith[/b]. In the [b]Trial of the Mind[/b], the candidate will demonstrate their intelligence and problem-solving ability by cracking an erebus lock. In the [b]Trial of the Body[/b], the candidate will show their physical capabilities and combat skills by fighting a procession of captive demons. Finally, in the [b]Trial of the Soul[/b], senior bishops will question the candidate’s character, as well as their knowledge of the Word (the sacred texts of the Church of Sheol). Only the strong will succeed. Should a bishop successfully overcome the Trials of Faith, the next day they will be sent to the Dome for the ritual of the Ascension. In this centuries-old ceremony, the chosen novices look evil in the face and swear they will protect the city of Antioch, from that day until the day of their final voyage. SacriFire begins on the dawn of the trials of novice Ezekiel Ridan. [h2][b]The Mission[/b][/h2] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40723431/2d3df2dc8c2597238db7063ee3a389757b1a657c.png[/img] Being a bishop entails fighting three foes: the demons above, the beast below… and the heretics within. Each enemy presents their own, unique challenges. [h3][b]The Demons Above[/b][/h3] Long ago, the great protector Sheol carried humanity through hell in order to reach the safe haven of Antioch. Now, while the hellgate above the city keeps the city’s citizens safe from the hordes of demons outside, bishops still have to face the so-called ‘Children of Amaymon’ inside Erebus. And of course, should the Hellgate ever fall… [h3][b]The Beasts Below[/b][/h3] At the base of the cavern of Antioch, beneath the stalagmites upon which the city is built, there are many deadly monsters known as Sorrow Beasts. These creatures - some resembling plants, others reptiles, and others things best left unimagined - habitually try to climb up the stalagmites to reach the city above. Best not let that happen. [h3][b]The Heretics Within[/b][/h3] The most serious, and insidious, of the threats faced by the bishops is that of the heretics. Heretics are citizens of Antioch who carry a demon inside their mind. This demon influences their movements and corrupts them into fighting against Sheol, as well as granting them supernatural powers to turn them into more capable weapons. [h2][b]A Lasting Legacy[/b][/h2] Finally, before we say goodbye, let’s take a look at just a few of the bishops who play a notable role in SacriFire… [h3][b]Elise Lejeune - ‘The Daughter of Sheol’[/b][/h3][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40723431/84f0f80c574adf707ae7fae7da0989ede82eb61c.png[/img] Little is known about Elise Lejeune, the first bishop of them all. Legend states that after serving faithfully for many years, Elise gave her life in order to save the city - an event known as ‘the sacrifice’. [h3][b]Bohemond Abram - ‘A Living Legend’[/b][/h3][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40723431/36f2dfc2c0a902544607c5a67b8b91f75462f49d.png[/img] Bohemond Abram is archbishop at the time of SacriFire, and his command role is more than justified given his impressive service history. After becoming a bishop in 543 M.N, Bohemond fought in many famous battles against the heretics, including the Bloodstone Conflict, where he continued fighting despite a heretic cutting off his left arm. There are rumors of a great lost love in his past, but those close to the archbishop know better than to pry. Bohemond is also a Bishop Victorinus, having won the Astradivos Tournament an impressive nine times. It’s not for nothing that many of the novices refer to Bohemond as a living legend. [h3][b]Drusilla Hark - ‘Loyal to the End’[/b][/h3][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40723431/56d16bba26d12182aab3f0a90acffe2afc14a104.png[/img] Drusilla Hark is a character we haven’t spoken much about so far, so we’re very excited to do so today. While she’s a relatively new bishop (having ascended just three years prior to SacriFire), and although at first glance she can appear shy and soft-spoken, in Drusilla’s short time as a bishop she has already proven herself a highly capable warrior and a dependable servant of Sheol. Drusilla is not the only bishop in her family. The plaque of her sister, Sally Hark, can be found inside the Hall of Valor in Sanctuary. Of course, Bohemond and Drusilla are only two of the current crop of bishops - in Antioch you’ll meet many others, and each has their own story to tell. We hope you’ll enjoy fighting evil and smiting demons alongside them - assuming you pass the trials, of course… Until next time! 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