Roadmap to release

Stellar Tactics

A Sci-Fi role-playing game featuring turn-based ground combat, space exploration, deep character customization and a massive living universe with over 160,000 star systems. Equip your ships with the best equipment you can find, gather a powerful crew of mercenaries and set out into the void!

Well, Fall is here in the Northern hemisphere and I'm excited to post the remaining development tasks for Stellar Tactics over the next few months. There has been an absolute flurry of activity here on my part preparing content for Chapter 3, delivering on promises I made for a crew mission system and a bunch of QOL adjustments based on player feedback. Stellar Tactics has been in EA for a long time. I realize for some, this has been annoying. People want to play a final game - right? Others don't mind contributing to the game with ideas, feedback and bug reports. I have a lot to be thankful for in that the community has been incredibly helpful in so many ways. However, I need to be realistic. By that I mean, development needs a clear and final end point. There are so many great ideas from players and of course I have ideas myself. Unfortunately, not all of these can be realized or I would spend the rest of my life in Early Access. Up to this point, I've been very clear about what I wanted to accomplish, I've had fixed goals, an end point in mind and we are closing in on that vision - finally. What does this mean? It means I'm going to be focused on the last chapter of the game, final features, a lot of cleanup, stability, tuning and various other bits that should polish the game up nicely in coming months. Here is the roadmap: [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/25220226/a57ec0b0ef930f34aedba274a943a4f4612b3763.png[/img] As you can see, I have a patch coming in October with a few new features, quality of life improvements and a good number of bug fixes. The mining system update changes the mining system from a passive to an active process. A few notes and of course more details will come when the patch is released. --You manage the energy of each turret to keep the asteroids temperature in a "sweet spot" --This "sweet spot" is initially small and expands as you gain levels in the mining skill. --Below the ideal temperature, you mine less ore. --Above the ideal temperature, you mine less ore and the asteroid is depleted much faster. --Asteroids at an ideal mining temperature provide bonus ore. --Your perks will work as they always have. --Asteroids can only be targeted by a single turret. You can target multiple turrets to separate asteroids. --Salvaging derelict ships works as it always has - you can target all turrets at one time [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/25220226/23c19ce7fcfb4e801fbc1f8b748a3a2b7688a35a.png[/img] The crew mission system will allow players to assign inactive crew members (crew members not assigned to ground crew or ship stations) to various mission types. Crew members will always receive EXP even if they fail the mission, however, failed missions will reward fewer credits and less experience. An example would be to send a inactive crew member on a rescue mission where they have a chance to gain combat experience in the weapon types they currently have equipped. Over time, crew members rank up and harder missions become available that reward better rewards. I think the "Advanced settings" will be a welcome addition. Players will be able to tweak many things in their game, including the cost of ships, how much experience you gain for various activities, combat difficulty, and much more. In a sandbox, I believe there is no perfect default setting for everyone. More options are always better. You will be able to reset to defaults at any time. Fast travel - Really, for me, it cannot be space if there is no time spent...well...traveling. However, so many players have commented that it takes too long to travel in FTL space. So, I've added a way to target a star system, within a certain range of course, and immediately travel to that location. This can only be done in FTL space from point to point. Notice the new icon below the Star System info screen in the upper left. Whether or not you use it is up to you. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/25220226/48f3bd54c3ea2486a65ae8191dded69cb79f0dd0.png[/img] That's all I have for now. I'll keep you posted as I get closer to releasing the October update.