Recent patch notes and latest - pooled EXP.

Stellar Tactics

A Sci-Fi role-playing game featuring turn-based ground combat, space exploration, deep character customization and a massive living universe with over 160,000 star systems. Equip your ships with the best equipment you can find, gather a powerful crew of mercenaries and set out into the void!

6/15/23 - 0.715 UPDATED: Pooled experience. Pooled experience will even out general experience gain between dedicated ground crew members so they level at an equivalent pace. --General experience is now rewarded at the end of each combat session and the pooled total experience will be divided equally between each crew member regardless of KO. --Leveling will progress a bit faster with pooled experience. --Crew members who are behind will slowly catch up to the rest of the team. --Skill gain will remain as it is now. --Pooled experience is enabled by DEFAULT. --You can switch to the original method of gaining ground combat experience by turning of "POOL COMBAT EXP BETWEEN CREW" option in the options->gameplay menu if you prefer to micro-manage EXP. UPDATED: Crew members in ship station slots will now recieve a small amount of general level experience along with the usual skill experience when a ship is destroyed. UPDATED: Any mission that gives a reward (loot) will now also reward a small amount of general level experience when completed/turned in. UPDATED: A few changes to the option settings being saved and loaded. I've also added debug info to help track options not being saved correctly on some systems. If you do have any problems with settings, please send your log from that game session to You can find the log in the game install folder->"Log" folder. UPDATED: Enemies no long fade when they die, and remain until you leave the area. FIXED: A bug related to the combat queue when initializing the combat queue with an attack requiring more ammo than the weapon has loaded. FIXED: Crew member Azimuth AP bonuses were not being applied when reloading the area from a save where the Azimuth effect was triggered. FIXED: When ending a turn quickly, it was possible that the UI would end in a state where the end turn hotkeys would not respond and you had to manually click a end turn option. 6/2/23 - 0.714 UPDATED: Raised level cap from 60 to 80 UPDATED: Adjustments to initiative to level out how INT affects turn order. FIXED: Shields and mods once again display item quality borders in the shared inventory. FIXED: Various pressed key inputs will not activate ship functions while in inventory, log, ship and character info screens. FIXED: Azimuth screen can no longer be opened while hacking. FIXED: Ship component wear was not being copied from and to ship storage correctly. Note, in some cases the game may reset a ships equipment wear values when tranferred to/from storage if needed to 100% the first time this is done. FIXED: Possible fix for rare state where a player character could be unable to move after transitioning to a new ground location. FIXED: A bug related to universe data load on 32bit systems. FIXED: A fix for a case where speaking with Rhamus and then Rodger Crayson during the main campaign could block progression. FIXED: A few translation errors. 5/25/23 - 0.713 UPDATED - Increased the number of bonus equipment repair components received from salvaging. UPDATED - Some work done on shotgun AOE related to enemy position above or below player position. I'm still looking at this closely. FIXED - Grenades not damaging or applying effects to enemies. This bug applied to all grenade types - frag, stun, etc. FIXED - Missiles not damaging or applying effects to enemies. FIXED - Missiles could get caught on world geometry and explode prematurely when you had clear LOS to the enemy target. FIXED - Aznari shards had no rollover info and were not displayed in the stash. FIXED - Aznari shards are now visible in inventory after using the sort option and are sortable in stash. FIXED - Aznari shards that were sold to vendors did not show in vendor inventory immediately after selling the shard. 5/22/23 - 0.712 FIXED - The game would lock up when boarding incursion ships. FIXED - Phestus was not delivering boarding mission rewards when when you sold a ship to Arkus. FIXED - The game would lock up if you opened the crew manager [J] and then opened the inventory, log, character info or ship UI. HOTFIX 5/21/23 - 0.710 NPC's were issuing new procedural missions at the Achmedius Trade station. While that was not intended (and is now fixed) and generally would not break anything - a procedural mission from Forley Coresh would break the dialog needed to progress with the chapter 1 story. If you took a procedural mission from Forley Coresh and he now responds with a "." in the dialog window, just save your game next to him, reload that save and all should proceed as normal. If you have taken procedural missions from NPC's on Achmedius Trade Port, I recommend opening the log, selecting these missions (missions with a persons name followed by a x/x where x is a number, and then abandon the missions. Missions will not be issued by NPC's on that particular trade station any more.