Roadmap for 2023 is here!

Impaler Gold

Impaler Gold is a fast-paced minimalistic arena shooter - now expanded and improved. Summon spikes to slay monsters, build barriers, and propel yourself into the air. Challenge yourself in this highly replayable rogue-lite shooter inspired by the classics.

Hey Impaler fans! First of all, thank you once again for all the feedback you've provided since launch. It has helped us shape the game and our plans going forward. So far we've released two updates, while the third one is still in the oven, but more on that a tad later. For this specific reason we've prepared a [b]Roadmap for 2023[/b]. As you can see, we're getting ready to spike quite a bit of features in the near future. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41955671/cfe25d7dd0ff723af3be9e58396ab020983f0ff2.png[/img] That being said... We're be opening a [b]public Beta Branch [/b]where you'll be able to test out upcoming updates and, hopefully, help us balance and test things out. To access the Beta Branch, right click Impaler in your Steam Library, choose "Preferences", then "Betas", and choose beta_branch from the dropdown menu. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41955671/4a8069a449461fa994bcae33d230e46bf04d8097.png[/img] The Impaler team is looking for feedback on its [b]first major content update - Update #3[/b]. This contains 9 new stages and substantial balance changes. We need your help to make sure the changes are making the game more fun, challenging, and replayable. [b]We're seeking feedback on:[/b] [list] [*] New stages [*] Difficulty progression [*] New upgrades [*] General balance [*] Quality of life and whatever else comes to mind [/list] If you'd like to share feedback, head to [url=]the Beta Branch forum on Steam,[/url] or let us know on our [url=]official Discord Server[/url]! We can't wait to hear your thoughts on the Roadmap and our future plans! Until next time! Apptivus and Retrovibe