Impaler Gold Update is Out Now

Impaler Gold

Impaler Gold is a fast-paced minimalistic arena shooter - now expanded and improved. Summon spikes to slay monsters, build barriers, and propel yourself into the air. Challenge yourself in this highly replayable rogue-lite shooter inspired by the classics.

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41955671/b415e719d8efb71c64a2ba9ca6ee7295a5b96371.png[/img] [h3][b]Welcome to the Golden Era of impaling![/b][/h3] The time has come, and Impaler Gold is now available worldwide! It is a completely free update for everyone who owns the game, and it will be integrated with the base game for everyone who purchases it from today onwards. Long story short: Impaler is now GOLD! [b]Impaler Gold[/b] represents the most significant milestone since the game's initial release. Over the past year, our team has worked hard to refine and expand Impaler, responding to player feedback and pushing Impaler to be the best game it can be. This patch is packed with [b]fresh content, enhanced graphics, improved audio, and a ton of gameplay tweaks[/b], all designed to provide a richer, more engaging experience. Whether you’re a veteran player or just picking up the game, Impaler Gold offers something for you to enjoy. Impaler Gold, however, isn't just another update. We're taking things to another level by making significant changes to the Steam Page, and even changing the game's title by enriching it with the "Gold" stamp. We've also prepared a brand new trailer to celebrate the launch of Impaler Gold. [previewyoutube=ezgTWTHbrRo;full][/previewyoutube] Impaler Gold brings a completely new game mode to the game, [b]Collectathon[/b]. This time-based challenge is set in a dynamic outdoor arena with 16 unique layouts that constantly shift and transform, introducing new obstacles and traps to test players' mettle. Collectathon emphasizes movement and verticality, offering a fresh and exhilarating way to experience our game. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41955671/56ca63efcd612ed2c1444acedf48dda686f213f3.gif[/img] Collectathon will have its own Leaderboard, it will be introduced in our next update in the coming weeks. At the same time we will also be resetting the original Leaderboard to ensure fair competition, taking into account all the gameplay changes which could impact high scores. We will do our best to make sure you are not taken by surprise by the Leaderboard reset, so you can screenshot your place for the eternal glory and bragging rights. Check out the full patch notes for Impaler Gold: [h3][b]New Content[/b][/h3][list] [*] [b]NEW[/b] Collectathon game mode [*] [b]NEW[/b] Dynamic outdoor arena (with 16 layouts) [*] [b]NEW[/b] Pickups & game entities[/list][h3][b]Graphical Improvements[/b][/h3][list] [*] [b]NEW[/b] Art for jump pads, shrines, wall ornaments, and others [*] Material rendering (light, reflections, etc) [*] Better height fog [*] Ambient occlusion [*] Decals [*] Particle effects [*] Visual enhancements to the original arena[/list][h3][b]UI / UX[/b][/h3][list] [*] Text / font consistency enhancements across HUD and menus [*] Improved visuals of “how to play” menus [*] Made back button / escape navigation behavior more consistent [*] Improved spike placement crosshair [*] Fixed some inconsistencies with how HUD element would show & hide [*] Simplified HUD elements [*] Various menu improvements[/list][h3][b]Audio[/b][/h3][list] [*] [b]NEW[/b] Music [*] [b]NEW[/b] Sounds [*] Mixing improvements [*] Enhancements to existing audio [/list][h3][b]Gameplay[/b][/h3][list] [*] Homing rockets from rocket enemies don’t get stuck in a loop [*] Enemy rockets have a bigger explosion [*] Monster sprites better align with hitboxes (easier to shoot from above) [*] Projectiles from stomp attacks & pig turrets will bounce at shallow angles [*] Improved feel/responsiveness of wall jumping [*] Gun projectiles are less bouncy (too bouncy in previous patch) [*] All weapons have slightly increased overheat thresholds (~10%) [*] Slight damage reduction for hazards (Laser & Saw) [*] All weapons are about 30% more accurate [*] Rebalanced weapon overheat mechanics - generally, more friendly now [*] Improvements to recoil animations [*] Slimes can now jump[/list][h3][b]Bugs / Technical[/b][/h3][list] [*] Performance optimizations [*] Fixed a rare gameplay crash [*] Fix bugs relating to spawning (monsters getting flung into the air etc) [*] Fixed an issue causing the game to crash after being suspended in the background for long periods [*] Fixed rendering issues with the laser sight [*] Stomping on a Hornet will now count towards achievements[/list] We're eager to hear what you think about Impaler Gold, and we look forward to your feedback. Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments, the Steam Forums, or our [url=]Discord server[/url] Happy Impaling, and see you in the arena(s)!